CHAPTER 27: Nothing Ever Goes As Planned

Start from the beginning

From out the corner of my eye, I see Sheira standing in the doorway, looking right at Anna with her hand extended in front of her, focused as she uses her powers in holding Anna up there.

I try to go after her but am knocked face forward hard onto the ground and when quickly turning onto my back, I see Rivers' werewolf jump high in the air and right as he's about to land onto me with his claws ready to attack me, I quickly get up and move out of the way causing him to land on his back legs hard with both his hands landing hard and going through the wooden flooring.

He snaps his head towards me and gets back up and we start moving in a circle while staring at each other and growling a little.

"Nobody can stop any of this. Not that pathetic Moon Goddess or Sheira's sister. Even that fucking hideous bitch will be made an example of and die in agonizing pain by my hands." River's mind links me.

"It's over. You and your pack can either live and be condemned for eternity, or you can die right now. Either way, you'll never get a chance to succeed in your plan." I warn him.

We stop for a brief moment and then he makes the first move and leaps at me with his claws drawn as I leap towards him at the same time also and we start fighting each other.

Punches are thrown but mostly our claes and canines do the most damage. This isn't like some typical rivalry fight we are doing right now, this is more of a fight to the death for Rivers will never stop. It's in his blood. Even when he was just a human, he always had this rage. Then when he became a werewolf, his wolf enhanced it.

That's what his father tried to cure with him.......'hatred' and 'rage' that many feel and act upon as they seek pleasure, just as Rivers does when inflicting pain and suffering on others.

It felt like we were fighting at each other for hours but after a while of us both damaging each other's bodies severely, my wolf and I felt more tired and weak than ever before.

When looking over my body at the damages he has done, I had noticed so much blood. Some was his but most was mine.

Then as I hear the growling again come from him and look ahead at him while struggling to get up from him just a short moment ago, throwing me hard against the wall as I hold the side I felt my ribs break on.

I notice him start to come after me until he gets thrown back in mid air hard and suddenly is stopped and raised high in the air.

I look over and notice that it's Sheira who looks infuriated with him as she holds him like she did with Anna moments ago.

"You little piece of shit! I told you to leave my sister alone!" She says through gritted teeth as she has him move to each side hard against the wall a few times on each one, causing him to turn back into his human form and he quickly starts choking and grabbing onto his neck, struggling to break free from the invisible grasp she has on him until I next heard his neck snap and his body go limp.

Then she lets him go and as soon as his body hits the ground hard, you hear the rest of the bones in his body break.

She snaps her head quickly over towards me and I look to see where Anna is at but can't see her. Which I am glad in a way. That means she got away. She'll be safe now and that makes me really happy. Our mate is safe now.

I feel myself quickly shift back into my human form.

I try and keep my eyes opened as I struggle to keep them like that from how exhausted I feel as well as excruciating pain. However, I can still see Sheira start to walk towards me with a lot of anger.

I have never been as scared in my life to be honest as her eyes are just as Anna's was. They're black all over and I can't tell what she's going to do to me. I do though, notice the way she's walking towards me and as she starts to kneel close to me.

"Your little mate killed the Head Elder." She mentions. "She did my work for me. Too bad she ran off like a scared little bitch that she is. " she smirks.

I start to struggle as I try and get up. It was hard to even try today something back.

"You're such a cunt, Sheira. I swear, it doesn't matter what you do to me, you'll still get what's coming to you." I tell her.

She begins to laugh in a sinister way at me.

"I'm sure." She says sarcastically. "It's too bad you feel that way. I was kind of hoping you and I could have become partners in taking over this world together." She smiles.

Then roght as she reaches her hand out slowly and begins getting just centimeters from touching my face, when quickly she is thrown back harshly and I notice Anna's werewolf has her slammed hard onto the floor and then picks her up by the neck and forcefully slams Sheira up against the wall, growling at her as her grip tightens even more around Sheira's neck.

Sheira's eyes start turning back to normal color except now there's redness in her eyes as her whole face begins turning red from the lack of air.

Anna starts to lowly growl as she moves in slowly closer to Sheira's face while staring into her eyes.

Something I never thought I would ever see, was fear and terror on Sheira's face.

Then I see Elliot and Giselle and all of them come running to my side, back in their human forms and are wearing loose clothing that was probably from the extra clothes room that the Elders always had here in case our kind needed some or there were deserters.

They tried helping me but all I cared about was Anna. She couldn't kill Sheira. She wasn't a monster.

"That's enough." The Moon Goddess says as she places her hand onto Anna's shoulder.

Anna, out of pure instinct, snaps her head and canines as she turns and see's the Moon Goddess. Then quickly after realizing who it was, she stops and begins to turn into her human self.

Which of course as she does that, her grip on Sheira's neck loosens until she ends up letting go all together, causing Sheira to fall onto the ground hard, gasping for air but yet still terrified.

"Oh my god please, get me away from her." We all hear Sheira start crying as she begs the Moon Goddess. "You can put me away, I don't care." She says as she starts pulling at the Moon Goddess' skirt. "J-Just please, get me away from her." She cries even harder and begins to shake.

We all wonder in what the hell is happening. How and why has Sheira suddenly become a scared little child?

"Fine! Let's go then!" The Moon Goddess says as she isn't sure in what is going on neither but takes advantage of Sheira's vulnerability and grabs her tightly around the arm then hands her off to the guards and walks back towards the room where judgement's and the meetings are held.

Anna, who Giselle has quickly given clothes to, is covered in dried up blood and bruises and winces with every movement as Giselle helps to get her dressed. Wish I could hold her but I too am really sore for myself to even move.

This didn't all go necessarily as I had originally thought it would have or had planned but then again, does anything ever?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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