Serafall: Sona!!!

Y/N looked over as his eyes widen in shock to see what was going on with the beast towering over Sona. He tried to get up but only to be sent flying by Vali kicking him in the face.

Vali: Come on now Y/N you surely have more power than that right!

Y/N: Get out of my way!!!!

Y/N tried to get away but couldn't due to Vali persistently getting in his way forcing him to fight draining his energy more and more.

Y/N 'thought': I have to save Sona I can't lose her!!!

The others tried to get up but couldn't as the beast was about ready to slam its head down on Sona. The beast started to bring its head down on Sona as they screamed out to this sight. Y/N punched Vali away as he saw what was happening as his eyes widen in horror.

Y/N: NO!!!!!!

Vali punched Y/N then slammed him into the ground.

Vali: You're wide open Y/N.

Y/N gritted his teeth as he looked over to Sona as she had her eyes ready to accept her fate but right before the beast slammed its head on her, someone rush in and saved her just in time. At first, everyone thought Sona was killed but they looked over to see that she was held by someone wearing strange armor that was from a different animal hid. The beast pulled its head out of the ground and glared at him as was about to attack but a familiar blue beast jumped on its back clawing at it. He placed Sona down on the ground as she was confused about who he was.

Sona: Who are you?

???: I'll tell you later. Said as he pulled out his giant sword and charged the beast.

He leaped at the beast cutting one of its eyes as it screamed in pain.

???: Come beast that all you got?! Shouted at the beast.

The beast bucked getting the beast off its back as it landed behind the man growling at the beats.

???: Easy Tobi I need you to protect that girl alright? Said pointing to Sona.

The beast nodded as it leaped over as it stood over Sona ready to protect her. Sona was confused by this as were the others.

Rias: Who is he?

Sirzechs: I do not know but it looks like he knows what he's doing.

The beast charged at the warrior as he dove out of the way as he fired something at the beast from his right arm as it flew towards the beast then ridding it.

???: Now let's bring ya down ugly!!

He started to stab the beast on its back as it tried to buck him off. They watched in amazement seeing what was happening. The beast bucked hard as he hang on tightly as he continued to stab the beast. It bucked wildly for a while until it stopped exhausted given the man a chance to slam his sword into its back as it collapsed onto the ground.

Ryuji: He brought the beast down!!

The man jumped down as he rolled on the ground till he swung the sword over his shoulder as it started to charge with power.

???: Strike now while it's down!!

Everyone nodded as they fired magic attacks and attacked them with swords. The warrior slammed the sword on the beast's head once then one final time as the sword cut clean through its skull as blood spouted from its head as it cried out one final time. Sirzechs and the others collapsed from exhaustion and the beast was finally dead.

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