Chapter xx: Nia's Decision Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Miss Nia..." Breathed Akihiko.

The kunoichi lowered her eyes.

"It sounds terrible, I know... but I can't do this. I can't leave his side after all. I freaking, like... just ugh... I can't, Akihiko. The further I stray from him, the more I feel like I gotta throw up or something," She explained. "Please let me return to his side? I'm sorry for misleading you. I feel awful. I truly felt I could do this, but I can't. My heart is in pain right now. I need to see Naruto again."

"I see..." He mustered up a smile. "You're realizing just how in love you are with him."

Again, this made Nia's face burn.

"I could... feel my heart racing at the thought of him," She confessed, resting her hand atop her heart. "I... only get that with him and no one else."

Akihiko lowered his eyes.

"Im... sorry," The girl choked. "I can only imagine how much you're hurting right now cause of my dumb self..."

"It's... quite alright, my queen." The prince replied, still offering a small smile. "Besides, I was prepared for something like this to happen... Forgive me for not fully understanding just how in love you are with that genin."

"F-Forgive me," She politely bowed before turning away and leaving in the direction Jiraiya and Naruto had taken.

Akihiko stayed silent before lowering his eyes. He would then get onto his horse and have it slowly gallop away, letting rain pour onto him as he did.

Minutes upon minutes later...

Rain splattered atop Nia's umbrella as she held the handle firmly in her right hand. Ahead of her sat Naruto on a boulder, drenched from head to toe. A knee was up as his arm draped over it while his head hung low.

Just from seeing the back of him, Nia's heart raced.

She couldn't quite tell if it was out of fear for his reaction of her coming back or if it was because she longed to see him once more.

Slowly, she approached him, being careful in the mud as she did. When she did, she held the umbrella over his head, sacrificing herself as she did, rain pouring down her instead.

"Hm?" Naruto sensed the sudden dryness and saw the shadow of the umbrella.

"GAH!" He nearly fell over after observing that it was Nia who had made the action. "C-CURLY BROW!"

"Naruto..." She couldn't help but to gaze at the young man.

"Geez," He hopped to his feet and lightly pushed her hand back to her, so the umbrella was now over her head. "Don't try to protect me from the rain... Worry about yourself, ya know..."

The girl remained silent. She was memorized by the grey eyes the blonde would sport during the night time.

"Curly Brow, what're you doing here? I thought you left to be with that prince guy?"

Nia shook her head.

"I couldn't do it; I couldn't leave you like that, Naruto."

"You couldn't-? W-What the hell do you mean by that?" The genin blinked a few times.

Nia took a step forward.

"I couldn't leave you, Naruto," She admitted then rested a hand on her heart. "I... I made a mistake."

"Oh geez, you think?" The genin rolled his eyes.

Nia could almost drown in guilt.

"You must hate me, huh?' She mumbled.

Naruto crossed his arms.

"You totally just left me for this other guy, Curly Brow," He hissed. "You can't just expect me to welcome you back with opened arms. You betrayed me."

"I didn't betray you, Naruto. I told you you could come by anytime to see me.'

"You still left with him!"

"I did what I felt I had to do," Replied the girl. "I only left with Akihiko cause he gave me attention and you were so hung up with Sakura."

"No, you left cause he was rich."

Nia rolled her eyes. "Oh, please... Give me a break. I didn't leave for the money."

"Then why'd you leave, huh?!"

"I already told you! It's cause you keep ignoring the way I feel."

"The way you feel?" Naruto responded. "How about how I feel?! You left me in the dust."

As they would argue, not too far, behind some bushes with something above his head to protect him from the rain, Jiraiya brought out a small camera, ready to film everything that was going on.

'This is it,' He thought. 'There argument should help me write my next scene for my Makeout book!'

"I'm serious, Naruto," Nia's voice reached his ears.

Jiraiya shook his head.

Why does she even wastes her breath with him? He doesn't know a thing about romance. He's extremely naive.

"Here we go again with Sakura this, Sakura that," The blonde made a gesture, closing his thumb to his fingers repeatedly, signaling that Nia was rambling on too much.

This seemed to get on her nerves.

Where was this all leading to? Would Nia end up losing her cool and trail off with Akihiko once more or would her feelings for the genin keep her at bay?


A/N - That's all for this chap. Please check out: Dare To Be Different on my TheQueen923 account and please show your support on there by voting ❤️
Please do so on here too please. Hopefully, I'll be able to release another chapter in my sequel soon.

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