"I am good. I was lost in thoughts. Just gathering my bearings."

"Alright. So I called to ask whether you are free?" His voice lacked any authority that I was thinking about.

"Hmm..I am! I am feeling a bit lazy to move around. So was just relaxing for a while. Why?", even though I had a good idea about the reason.

"Cool. I thought maybe we could talk. It was pending for a while and I don't want to catch you midweek."

"OK...Where?" I could sense his hesitation and wanted him to ease.

"We can drive around for a while and maybe catch dinner or something. You can tell me if you want to do it another time, I will understand."

"No!No! I want to. I was only waiting for a time when both of us are free. It's good for me. Can you pick me up in thirty? " I don't want to miss this opportunity before I lose my courage.

"Alright will be there!"

Since lazing around was not an option anymore. I dragged myself to dress up. It was not anything special but comfortable. I chose my usual jeans and top.

I was already near the gate of my building by the end of the thirty minutes I had decided.

And as usual he was on time.

The first few minutes of the drive was silent. Both of us were trying to clear our thoughts. I was not ready to start off yet. Glancing back at him I could say he felt the same.

"So.. Where are we heading? " I began.

"I don't know. Maybe we can just drive around?!? " His voice was casual.

 Maybe we can just drive around?!? " His voice was casual

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"Hmm.. Ya it sounds good. It's been a while." I turned towards the window letting the wind to caress. "I don't usually drive around. I prefer to stay static while thinking. "

"So you don't travel much? "

"Not much anymore. I like to travel. Even though I hate to blame, but life is a mess. So couldn't make much time. "

"Try to make some then, everyone needs a break. Right? "

I smiled at him. Grateful for not pressing me to speak out.

"Some days you realize how much you take things for granted and promises yourself to make it all count. But then you lose track of it. And back to square one. " I spoke staring at the setting sun, through the windshield. "Today's such a day. "

My throat felt clogged as I let my emotions to consume me.
"A beautiful day. " I whispered.

"Because you get to enjoy my company?"
At his playful tone I turned towards him.

He had a light in his eyes as if to say he understood.

I appreciated his efforts to lighten up.

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