Travis glared at me, "You're just as heartless as our grandfather. No wonder you were his favorite. Two sociopaths deserve each other. But just remember that this whole scheme will backfire and Brynn won't be the one hurting." He got up and stormed out of my office.

"Good riddance asshole." I muttered continuing my paperwork. Nothing was going to backfire. Things were perfect.

Brynn's POV:

"Can't answer my phone right now, you know what to do."

I struggled to hold back tears, "Carter, please pick up your phone. I know I'm a shit person and wI know I haven't been the best friend I'm supposed to be but I need you more than ever. Don't make me climb through your window like some crazed fan girl."

I hung up, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Stupid hormones." I muttered, "Oh who am I kidding?! I'm the worst friend ever!" I cried.

"Damn right you are." The sound of Carter's voice caused me to shoot up, causing me to get lightheaded.

I wobbled and Carter grabbed me, "Okay preggers, I'm not Channing Tatum or anything. I'm good looking but you don't have to throw yourself at me."

Overwhelmed by seeing him, I started to cry, which caused me to hyperventilate, "Yo-you didn't an-answer your ph-phone...I-I thought yo-you hated m-me!"

"Oh come on, don't cry you moron! Ronan will cut off my balls and make me eat them if he sees that I made you cry. Even though you're a complete utter moron and you deserve to cry, I understand why you did it. He explained everything to me...after he punched me in the stomach for ignoring you.

"I miss my best friend and I hate fighting with you. You're the most loyal person I know. No one else would do something like that to protect the ones they love. I'm a douche bag and I'm so so sorry I put you and my niece or nephew, hopefully niece, in danger. I'll be making that up to you both for the rest of my life."

Carter exhaled and half smirked at me, and then panicked, "Oh God. I'm so dead. Stop crying! Seriously! Ronan is going to-"

"Ronan is going to what?" Ronan said looking at his brother, I tried to stop crying but between these God awful hormones and Carter's speech I couldn't control myself as I let out another choked sob.

Ronan heard it and pushed past his brother to get to me, "Baby, what did he do to you? I shouldn't have let him come over to apologize. I knew he'd make it worse!" He said throwing a glare at his brother.

"I apologized and she just started crying!" Carter protested.

"I'm o-okay," I managed to spit out. "This whole pregnancy is making me over emotional."

Ronan sighed and kissed my forehead, "Please don't scare me like that again." He press another kiss to my lips and exhaled deeply.

I pressed my forehead against his, as he wiped the tears from my face, "I'm sorry. It's like a switch. I can be really happy then out of nowhere I'm crying like someone killed an animal in front of me."

Carter laughed, "Good luck, bro. She's a handful without the hormones."

I knew he was joking but my eyes started to tear, Ronan saw this and punched his brother, "Seriously?!"

Grumbling under his breath he sat in front of me, "I'm sorry I'm an insensitive prick. I didn't mean what I said and I'll buy you ice cream to make it up to you."

I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight, "I'm sorry, you're the best friend ever. I'm sorry I cry so much and I'm sorry that I lied to you!"

Carter chuckled, "Shut up and let's get ice cream preggo. I'm craving mint chocolate chip."

I smiled, "I could go for some Death By Chocolate ice cream, triple scoop, in a waffle dish."

Ronan stared at me but didn't say anything. He was probably petrified I'd cry again if he made a sarcastic comment about how much I was eating.

"Fatass." Carter said under his breath.

Ronan inhaled sharply and waited for my breakdown so he could punch his brother again. I smiled and punched Carter, "Bite me."

"No thanks. I'll leave that to the big bro. Now lets go, we have a plan to fix and ice cream to eat!"

Ronan and I laughed as we headed to the door, "EAT ALL THE ICE CREAM!" Carter screamed running to his car.

"He's your best friend." Ronan muttered into my neck. I smiled at up at him, "But he's your brother."


Okay, so I lied, this was much more convenient then trudging my way across campus to the library. I hate typing on my phone though because I have no idea how long this is, but it doesn't really matter because in about 3 chapters this story will be done! FINALLY! Meaning there are two chapters and an epilogue left. So those should be posted soon, I'm going to work on TOTGA tonight and tomorrow, maybe it will be posted idk, but keep an eye out. But comment and vote! I loveeee hearing what you guys have to say!

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