Chap-1 Rumors

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 I wake up and glare at my open curtains. Bright white sun rays brighten up my entire room. I guess today is going to be a beautiful day. I quickly sit up and look at my watch to see it's 7:50 already. I'm late for school. 

My entire closet is pretty much filled with hoodies and sweat pants, I decide to go with my usual black hoodie and ripped denim jeans from the farthest corner of my wardrobe Today's my first day of school. I'm so excited; note the sarcasm.
I take my bag from my desk and run downstairs for a quick breakfast. The last thing I want is to be late for the first day of school. Before I lock the door, I text my one and only friend Sara.

I stretch my arms and make my way to the garage. I take a look at my beautiful and shiny Bicycle. I know it's weird to be using a bicycle at my age, but I, unfortunately, can't afford a car. My Mom is always working and trying her best to look out for me, but at the same time, I don't want to burden her with my issues. She's a single mother, I don't like to talk about my dad because he doesn't deserve to even be in my thoughts.

My mom is the best parent, she always takes care of me and tries her best to fill the empty space of not having a father. She is a nurse at our local hospital with never-ending shifts, but she always makes time for us to spend together, in simple words, I love her.

Back to the point, I'm on my way to school, it's a fifteen-minute distance from my home, I don't like the school transport system, so I'm better off with my bicycle.

On my way to school, I pass my favorite bakery which is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They are the cutest couple ever, running the bakery for 25 years. They're quite famous for their pastries and chocolate cake. I also work there. I want to save money so I can take my mom away from here. She's been through a lot and all I want is to make her happy. I don't want her to have to wake up at midnight for her shifts anymore. She will take rest and sleep without worrying about all of life's hardships.  

Once I finally reach school, I park my bicycle and look for my best friend Sara. She is beautiful in every way possible, with green eyes completely opposite of my blue eyes. She has blonde hair while mine is brown. I think she is much prettier than me, I'm plain, while she is beautiful. She and I have been close friends since 9th grade.

"Hey, girl! " She shouts from the other side of the hallway, she quickly runs over to me. I hate when she does this, I don't like the attention from the other students. I glare at her.

"I missed you!" she screams as she hugs me so tightly, I stopped breathing for a second. 

"Can't breathe." I breathed out and she immediately lets go and grins. She starts asking questions about my summer vacation and how it went. If I'm going, to be honest I did pretty much nothing all summer, I stayed inside and read as many books as I could get my hands on. 

"It went great! I did so much..." I said. She obviously knew I was being sarcastic. Sara knows me better than anyone. 

"So have you heard the rumors that Mason tiffin is coming back." She asked excitedly but it didn't ring a bell. I'm not good with names. 

"Who's Mason again?" I asked silently still thinking about his name.

"The boy who got arrested for attempting murder." She explains in a hushed voice. Immediately I remember the boy who was in prison for 4 months. How can you forget about something like that? The whole school was talking about it for weeks. 

If it was any other boy, he would have been arrested for a much longer time. But we are talking about Mason Tiffin, the richest boy in the entire school, whose father is a business tycoon.

I never listen to rumors, teenagers will make up anything, just for a little attention. What if we don't know the whole story? Why make all these accusations, I personally just like to mind my own business. 

The bell rang for the first period, Sara and I, unfortunately, had to go our separate ways. My first class of the day is English, my favorite subject.

I quickly enter the classroom and make my way to the back of the class. My usual window seat. I'm not like the typical nerd who sits in the first row, I like to sit in the back so I don't get distracted by others. All of my teachers like me, I'm not a class pet by any means, I'm just well behaved. 

"Good morning class." Mrs. Lee says. She wastes no time and begins her lecture. About ten minutes after class started the classroom door was opened and slammed against the wall with a thump. Everyone quickly looked up in anticipation to see who is is. Mason Tiffin walks in without a care in the world. The bad boy who is hot as f*ck.He's better looking then I remembered, he's wearing his signature black leather jacket with a white tee underneath, the material is tight so is 6 pack is on display for everyone to see. He's wearing black ripped jeans that are hung low on his waist. The outfit is perfectly tied together with black leather boots. He looks like a Greek god, I've never seen someone so attractive. 

He has black messy hair, and the most intimate brown eyes I have ever seen. His whole appearance sends shivers down my spine. The class fell completely silent. All the girls quickly started redoing their makeup fixing their tops to show off their cleavage. But he doesn't seem interested in them. He makes his way to the teacher and slams a paper on her desk. He just stands there waiting for further instructions.

Mrs. Lee takes the paper and looks around the class for an empty spot, and just my luck the only empty desk in the class is the one to my right. I was hoping that the desk would stay empty. 

"Go sit beside Miss Harrington," Mrs. Lee points out the seat to my right. Mason's brown eyes connect with my blue ones, and my heart stops. I can feel my face pale at the way he's looking at me, with such Intensity. Suddenly his signature scowl turns into a smirk as if he knows the effect he has on me.

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