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The week passed by in a flash. At least, for Hermione. The other schools had left, but she still couldn't concentrate in any of her classes, nor did she eat well. The only class she seemed to have maintained her consistency was the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. The Professors began to worry for her.

"Miss Granger's performance is now questionable." Said Professor Flitwick, worriedly. "Something is off."

Professor McGonagall agreed. "She is slacking, not paying much attention in class, and forgetting her homework."

"Professor Slughorn nodded. "She seems to be getting thinner. Some thing is wrong."

Hermione's new behaviour attracted attention from not only Gryffindors and her classmates, but the juniors as well.

"Granger," said Draco one day, leaning on the doorway of their dorm. "What's going on?"

Hermione looked at him tiredly. "Nothing. Why?"

Draco hands her a glass of strawberry smoothie. "Here, have this."

Hermione looks at it and takes it, beaming. "Thank you! That's really thoughtful of you." She took a sip and gave a delighted sigh. "I haven't had one in so long! It is really tasty. Thanks a million!"

Draco gave an embarrassed laugh. "No problem. Now, what were you saying?"

She repeated herself.

Draco looked at her and gave a short laugh. "Why? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you have been slacking in your work, hardly eating food-no, don't interrupt me, I watch you sometimes-" then he turned pink. "And of course, you look like you don't sleep at all."

Hermione gave a dry laugh. "I do. And I'm fine, Draco. Besides, I usually am in the library, doing some research."

Draco seemed interested. "On what?" He said, standing straight.

Hermione gave an uneasy glance at Draco. "The Resurrection Stone." She said quietly.

Draco's face became expressionless. "What did you find?"

Hermione sighed. "You'd become cold and almost lifeless if you use the stone. It won't make you normal, according to the tale of three brothers."


Hermione gave a frustrated sigh. "But," she said, "I found a book, by Professor Dumbledore himself, in the forbidden section. It -it," she continued uncertainly, "It said, that one could be brought back to life yes, but with a certain spell, they can become themselves again."

Draco sat down next to Hermione, worried. "And do you know what spell it is?"

Hermione shook her head, now scared. "The page was ripped off. All that was left is..." And she brought out the book- "Is this" she said, pointing at the part above the ripped area.

"Helg" It said.

The next page it continued-

"... all that... be brought back. This, I advise you; do not use the stone. It's price is far greater that you can hope it to be. This is why I am going to hide this book. If you find it, then be warned that many young men have not heeded this warning and have died before they could see their intentions come true. Their enemy, out there..."

They sat in silence, Draco's eyes lingering on Hermione's worried expression. He, for a moment felt a desperate need to make her smile. Don't, he thought. Don't do this. Don't have feelings... And if it is really... Aunty Bella, Hermione will die. She'll die a horrible death. Draco cringed at that thought.

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