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Professor McGonagall turned to them.

"Harry, Hermione, you might be wondering why I've called you here."

When they shared a sheepish smile, she continued, "You see, I always knew the responsibility of the prefects and Head boy and girl. But I've decided to appoint deputies to help you."

"You've said that before, Professor." Harry said, kindly.

"True. But I've told you only half. There's a reason I chose Mr. Malfoy and Miss Ginny Weasley as deputies. You see, I daresay Mr. Malfoy is not a bad person.

"I believe, and so does Dumbledore and the other Professors that he had a bad up-bringing. You saw that day, when Voldemort-" she took a deep breath as she continued,

"When Voldemort was alive and calling for us to surrender, how Mr. Malfoy's parents forced him to join the Death Eaters when he it seemed like he didn't want to.

"You see, Mr. Malfoy will do well and may even become a good person with the influence of three Gryffindors around him."

Harry and Hermione stood there, stunned. They didn't know that their job was not only their regular Head duties, but also to change Draco Malfoy.

Hermione looked questioningly the professor.

"Then, Professor, why us? And why him? I mean, you could've chosen any other Gryffindor, or any other Slytherin. "

Professor looked intently at her. She took her time, speaking slowly, "Hermione, you and Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley of course, have influenced a lot of people. I chose Mr. Draco Malfoy precisely because his parents are - sorry were, one of the most important Death Eaters. I've seen Draco; his heart is not bad. Even Dumbledore agrees. You see, Mr. Malfoy has agreed to change. Not willingly, because of the fright of his parents. And mind you, his parents are not in Azkaban."

Then she sighed before she continued, "I am sure you heard the sorting hat's song. It, for the first time, mentioned a students name. Not one but 3, or maybe 4. We can't risk it but I'm sure you heard the clue-"

"- the grass is always greener on the other side. Which makes no sense." Said Harry, frustrated.

Professor McGonagall laughed quietly. "No Mr. Potter, I'm quite sure I understand. Infact," she said smiling, "It's as plain as day!

"Connect the whole song and you may get it - I'm sure Miss Granger will decipher it for you in no time. Meanwhile, I want you both, and tell the Weasleys, both of them, to stay alert. Send an owl to your families the first thing in the morning."

She got up at the sound of a gentle tap and opened the window. Her owl swooped in.

"Now, both of you may go, I have a meeting with the other Professors." She turned back to then and smiled gently.

"Oh and by the way, you're password is Gryffindor rules."

Harry and Hermione muttered a thank you and a good night and left. Once they reached outside, Harry turned to Hermione and said dryly "Wouldn't you have thought that all the fun was over when 'Voldy' died ? "

Hermione cracked a smile. "One would've thought so, yes."

They both headed to the Gryffindor common room where they could still hear the loud chattering. They saw Ron waiting for them in front of the portrait.

"What happened, mate? You took pretty long in there. We started to think you got kidnapped or something." Ron joked, but quickly straightened up after he received a glare from Hermione.

"What's wrong Harry?"

Harry and Hermione told him everything that professor McGonagall had told them. Ron remained silent till they finished. It wasn't hard to tell that Ron was struggling to digest what he heard. They knew that he did not want to believe them as much as they themselves did.

"Not one year, huh? Not even one year of peace for us?" Said Ron, quietly.

Then they just started at each other's faces. Then they turned and saw the fat lady in the portrait. She just looked at them and for the first time did not say anything, and they had even forgotten that she was there. She gave them a sad smile.

Then they stood there for a long time.

Harry sighed. "Home. We're back home. I just wish for once we didn't have to go through this. All of this. Again and again and again. It's just so frustrating."

Hermione gives him a sad smile. "I know what you mean, Harry. But we'll get through this together. Again and again and again. You're never alone, you know."

"Hermione's right, Harry," said Ron, quietly,"She's absolutely right, you know."

"I know." Harry said, smiling gratefully them, and he said the password and they entered the noisy common room where they were greeted with cheer and applause.

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