Drama in the tent

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"Hermione!" Said distant voices. They grew louder.


Hermione whipped out her wand and jumped out of bed. She pointed her wand to two people standing in front of her, their arms raised in surrender.

Hermione put down her wand. "Harry, Ginny! What was that for?"

It was then she noticed that they were dressed in their Quidditch robes.

Hermione looked at her watch and gasped. Ginny gave her a pointed look.

"Change and wash up fast Hermione. Draco, me and Ginny have been trying to wake you up for so long! Hurry, or we'll be late!" Said Harry, dragging Ginny out of the room.

"Is she awake yet?" She heard Draco asking them as they closed the door.

"Yes, give her five minutes and she'll be out." Said Ginny.

Hermione came out fully dressed after five minutes.

"Seven, Granger. You took seven minutes." Said Draco, looking at the time.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Let's get going, or you'll be late!" Said Hermione to the boys as she and Ginny made there way out of the room.

The four of them left the room and met up with Ron as they headed to the grounds.

"Here." Said Ron, handing a basket full of muffins to Hermione to share it with the others for breakfast.

"Oh, thank you so much, Ron!" She said, happily taking a muffin and eating it.

Ron chuckled.

Soon, Hermione left them, wishing them luck, taking her place next to Neville.

The Hogwarts Quidditch team received cheers and wishes, and Professor McGonagall even asked Harry to try and win today's match, which would be against Beauxbatons.

"They are not just Pretty girls and boys, you know." She warned him.

The Hogwarts team walked to their tents to discuss strategy. Draco seemed to be giving a fair share to the other house captains in the team to make decisions too. This seemed to spark gossip amount the players.

"Odd, don't you think?" Whispered Cho to Harry and and Summerby.

Summerby nodded. "I mean, what's he trying to achieve by letting me, you or Weasley girl by asking us our opinions? Respect?"

Harry shook his head. "He's just trying to be a better person, James."

Summerby snorted. "Malfoy? A better person? Malfoy?"

Harry nodded.

Cho looked at Harry sceptically. "Are you sure, Harry? I mean, I appreciate Malfoy giving me some say in the strategy, but do you really think he has no, let's say, ulterior motive?"

Harry looked at Cho angrily. "He's my friend now, Cho. I trust him. He really is trying to change, though he can be a git every now and then."

Cho looked at Summerby, but he shrugged his shoulders. She sighed. "I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean it sound so bad." Then she placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "But know this, Harry. People change, yes. But to try and become a completely new person without out hints of your old self will backfire one day."

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