Surprising Announcements

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As the train pulled into the station, students scurried into their compartments to get their bags. Lots of confusion, laughing groups of students, and of course, Hagrid with a confused group of first-years.

"Hagrid!" Shouted Harry, Hermione and Ron all at once, rushing to hug him.

"It's good ter see yer back, yer lot! I've missed yer during the holidays." Said Hagrid, smiling at them.

Harry grinned. "Us too! You know what happened- Hi!"

Then they were pulled away by Luna and Neville into carriages.

When they sat, Luna said, "Did you see Cho? Shocking to see her, don't you think?"

Ron's eyes widened, "Cho Chang? I thought they would've gone by now, they're too old to be here right?"

"Oh yes, she is. I wonder though, will they be studying in our year?" Said Harry.

"I've got no idea." Luna said, shaking her head.

By the time they finished exchanging pleasantries, the castle was in sight.

They got off the carriage just in front of the castle and headed toward the hall. It was as noisy as it always. Hermione smiled and looked at the Gryffindor table. It was hard to imagine the war had destroyed most of the castle, but the hall looked as splendid as ever, with the ceiling bewitched to look like the night sky. As they headed towards the Gryffindor table, the hall erupted in applause. Embarrassed, they sat down at their usual places.

Professor McGonagall called for the students attention as the first-years enter the hall, and all the chattering ceased.

Then the sorting hat sang his song while the nervous first years stood in front of it.

I am the sorting hat, burnt but swell
Keep in mind that I mean all well
When I sort you into Gryffindor, brave and proud
Or into Hufflepuff where cheers are loud
Or Ravenclaw where intelligence is beautiful
And they always somehow the most dutiful
Maybe in Slytherin where you will find
Not all of them as sour as wine

Hogwarts thinks it's won a victory
But something is going to happen, all very discreetly
Until the Potter and Weasley and Granger
Are dead because here's the danger
They want them dead before the year has gone by
And they will stop at nothing, until their last sigh
But here's a solution which might seem mad
The house of mistakes can make you glad

Let Hogwarts heed my warnings
Let this not be your falling
You must remember the clue I will now reveal
It may seem bizarre but it's very real
The grass is always greener on the other side
Don't be foolish and ignore the guide
For it may be your downfall
Or you may just rise up

This will be the last bump
And houses must unite to defeat this hump.

The great hall became quiet. Harry's eyes widened. Ginny gasped and held his and Hermione's hand. Hermione looked like she'd just seen a ghost. As for Ron, he couldn't move. Did the sorting hat just predict another attack, and most specifically, Harry, Ron and Hermione's death? Harry looked broken, and Hermione hugged him.

No, she thought, you can't do this to Harry, not again.

The teachers started whispering amongst each other, and even Professor McGonagall seemed agitated.

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