The Arrival

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"Alright, can I have the attention of the Dumbledore's Army?" Said Harry.

The Room of Requirement became silent.

"Thanks. So this is pretty much the First class of this year, and I want to thank all of you for helping us with the battle last year. This year, I really hope that we don't have anything like that, but we must prepare.

"Professor McGonagall told us that we need to recruit new members for the DA. Hermione suggested that we should test the students before they join the DA, just to assure that they can be trusted."

Cho hung her head, remembering that it was her friend that gave them away.

"But- lets leave the bad things of the past in the past. People do make mistakes." Said Harry hurriedly.

Hermione nodded. "So, for thi-"

Hermione was cut off by a noise. More precisely, a noise of the door of the Room of Requirement opening.

Harry put his finger on his lips to silence them and Hermione cast a silent invisibility spell on all of them.

The door opened and a person walked in.

"Come on, shall I also pretend that I'm not here?" Said the person.

Harry grinned and Hermione removed their spell.

"George!" She said running to hug him. He hugged her back.

"How are you, Weasley?"

"Welcome back!"

"Blimey George, what are you doing here?" Asked Ron, smiling at his brother.

"What, you thought I was going to miss the first Dumbledore's Army class?" He held out the coin that Hermione had given them all.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to put a fake George in my room. Mum doesn't know I'm here."

Harry grinned and hugged him. "George, you're right on time!"

"Thank heavens I made it before you finished." Said George.

"George, what are you going to tell mum?" Said Ginny, folding her arms.

"Doesn't matter. I'll get scolded and then I'll come back again! See, no issues here!" He said, proudly.

Hermione frowned. "Don't you see the issue here, George?"

"It. Doesn't. Matter." He said, smiling at her. "Now, I heard about this test. So, what the plan?"

Hermione gathered everyone around. "So listen..."


All the Hogwarts students chatted excitedly as they sat in the Great Hall while they waited for the Headmistress to address them.

"Fluer told me she would be coming." Said Hermione.

Ron nodded. "Yeah, she was talking about visiting Hogwarts during the holidays."

"Will Krum be coming?" Asked Harry and Ron's fists clenched.

Harry and Hermione noticed it, but they ignored it. "Yes, Viktor told me he would be coming."

"Did Viky say they will be arriving late?" Asked Ron.

"That's not you're problem Ronald. You're just jealous." Snapped Hermione.

Harry rolled his eyes. He suspected Ron was rather overprotective of Hermione's friend choices.

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