Smart, but not so smart

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Saturday came fast. Hermione had met up with Krum only once. After that, something or the other didn't allow her to meet Krum.

Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were making the final adjustments, with the help of Draco.

"....Food and drinks?" Said Hermione.

"Check." Said Ginny. Hermione nodded and ticked her list.

"The New Wizards music band?"

"Done." Said Draco, kicking his legs up on their couch.

"Tables and chairs?"

"Done." Said Luna, playing with her hair.

"Great!" Said Hermione. "Did I miss anything?"

"Apart from that hundred item list? No, I think not." Said Draco, throwing his arms up and falling on his back, on the couch.

Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Actually, you did." Said Ginny suddenly.


"Your date for the ball! Who are you going with?" Ginny asked eagerly.

Hermione had forgotten. She shook her head. "I'm sorry Ginny, I forgot. I've been so busy that I didn't have time to..." And then she got carried away in her thought.

"Okaaaaaaaaaayyyyy." Said Ginny.

"Going with Harry?" Asked Hermione suddenly snapping out of her daze.

Ginny nodded happily. "I am! He asked me yesterday!" 

Hermione smiled and asked Luna who she was going with. "Neville. He asked me almost immediately after they announced to go to the ball."

Hermione smiled at the girls, they were chatting excitedly.

"What about you, Draco? Who are you going with?" She asked.

"Well," he said, "I'm going to ask a girl today. But I hope she says yes."

"But Draco, don't you think it's a little late? She might be going with someone else? Oh wait, it's Parkinson right? I heard she was waiting for someone and rejected everyone else. I had a feeling that's you."

Draco's eyes widened in horror. "Parkinson? Hermione no-ew. She - she was just a friend of the old Draco. But even the old Draco couldn't handle her. No, the girl I'm asking doesn't have a date yet."

Hermione snorted. "All the girls have dates, unless you count me and Parkinson, you should've asked a week before-" She waved at Ginny who said she and Luna would be heading for class. Draco and Hermione had a break.

"-even yesterday would've been better."

"Who are you going with?"

"No one. I don't want to go with Ron, he seems like he's in a bad mood these days."

"What about Krum?"

Hermione sighed. "We haven't got a chance to meet each other properly. I met him once for like, five seconds and then Professor McGonagall called me to her office. Good news- my parents and Hagrid are located!"

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