Last match

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"And now, please welcome the finalists, Hogwarts and Durmstrang!" Said Professor McGonagall as the two teams zoomed past.  The wind blew her hair into her eyes and she struggled to keep it in one place.

The Durmstangs and Beauxbatons played a match the previous day, and Beauxbatons won by one point. The spectators, however, weren't too sure what happened, because Durmstrang were by far the most agressive team.
but at the last moment, Roché, Fluer and every substitute suddenly fell ill and they were two players short. Madame Maxime decided it was best for the Beauxbatons to forefeet the match, hence making the Durmstangs the semifinalists. The Durmstangs were more than happy to play against Hogwarts.

"I think their personal mission is to crush Hogwarts." Mumbled Neville.

The looks on the Durmstangs's faces were as hard as steel. Even Krum, who looked at Hermione but gave a small, stiff smile.

Hermione silently agreed.

The match began. The Durmstangs proved more difficult than the Beauxbatons, the Quaffle was mostly in their possession.

"Bloody hell," Ron Said as Durmstangs scored for the second time. "Bloody hell."

The Hogwarts team made no progress, apart from the fact that Ron saved a goal.

Harry stared to get agitated. He had seen the Snitch, but as her drew closer it vanished.

He sighed in frustration as he lost the snitch for the fifth time.

"..and the Quaffle in possession of  Rozhook again, heading towards the the Hogwarts keeper Ronald Weasley.." Said Dean, bored and his voice trailing.

Professor McGonagall snapped her fingers. "Mr. Thomas, if you are incompatible to-"

"-and wait, Draco Malfoy stole the Quaffle from the furious Rozhook! Go Malfoy!" Shouted Dean suddenly.

And indeed, Draco sneaked above Rozhook and stole the Quaffle with one swift movement.

Hermione shuddered. Snake-like, she thought.

"-and Malfoy and Ginny-whoa, their teaming up together and charging-wow, And they're passing the Quaffle to each other really fast- Quaffle in possession of Malfoy-no Weasely, no Malfoy-" said Dean excitedly, half sitting and half standing.

And the Hogwarts students were on their toes, none of them talking, each of their eyes fixed on the swift movement of Draco and Ginny.

As they drew nearer, everyone held their breaths...


Hogwarts and even some Beauxbatons jumped up and down, cheering.

"Ah, but we haven't even won yet." Said Professor Slughorn, looking at the students.

"Oh come on, celebrate while you can. We may never win." Said Professor Flitwick, standing on prom his chair and clapping wildly.

And the referee blows the whistle because the Durmstangs called for a time out.

The Durmstangs Headmaster angrily called the team aside. He held out a small bottle in his hands. Hermione saw the colour and gasped. She whispered something to Luna and she nodded. Then The two of them ran to Professor McGonagall.

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