Twenty four

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"Are you sure you can stay alone for the night?"

"Mom, I'm not gonna be alone, there's hundreds of students there with the teachers, I wont be alone, and the girls are with me" I assured her with a smile, I'm so excited!

"Okay, here's your cookies, your bottle, hey its the biggest one but! I have two of them~ drink water always!" I chuckled and nod

"Oh, here's your blanket, do you want your jacket? I'll get it in the car—

"No, mom, its okay, I already have one" I replied while I cant stop smiling at her

" safe hm? I love you potato"

"Thanks mom, thank you so much, I love you too!" I said and give her a big hug and she hug me back

"Now go inside! You'll be late~ and I'll go now~" mom said rushing a kiss on my forehead and pushing me inside, I wave her goodbye and stand at the right side of the gate to text the guys.

Spice 💋
Yow kids

Sugar boy ver.
At the covered court
Did you bring many things?

We'll fetch you if you want

Sugar boy ver.
Too late Jimin, Someone is on his way already

I stop at my tracks after seeing their messages, I'm on my way to the covered court but who's on his way?


I looked up after hearing the voice, "oh Taehyung! You-you're the one they're talking about?" I asked while Taehyung get the few things in my hands, they're foods actually, chips,noodles, hot choco, but later since we need hot water too.

"Of course, you want me to bring your backpack? You can—

"Oh no, its really fine, you're already carrying everything except my bag" I said letting out a chuckle since he's already carrying so many

"Its not a bother anyway" he replied back with his smile and we started to walk to see them.

Many students are already setting their tents up, here at the open space of the school. They're so excited and pretty sure all of us. Actually.

"Hyerin-ah!!" Lisa and Shin hye greeted me with big hugs and I, of course hug them back.

"So? Let's set the tent!" Jin said

"Are you sure will fit there? How big is you tent Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked

"Believe me this is a movable mansion" Jin replied and we're really hoping we'll fit. Since Jin volunteered to bring the tent for us. So we dont have our own in case we're not fit inside.

I looked at Namjoon and he gave me we-cant-do-anything-else look. And that really scares me. I dont wanna sleep outside though. All of them here have their own tent.

The boys are assigned to fix the tent together and the three of us are fixing the foods, each's blankets and pillows and things.


"What? What?"

"Oh my god"

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