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I'm still confused.

Taehyung and I have been talking a lot since then, when the others saw the picture they started shipping them together but he's always denying it and saying that he likes someone else, of course our friends got curious and I dont know why I am too, especially me actually. Taehyung is really famous in our school too despite of his looks he got even more famous because of him getting linked to others and he's always saying that "its called fan service guys", not surprised since when he was in his old school his already famous so he's not new to it, along with the boys, well what do you expect? Boys.

He's been a bestfriend, one of my bestfriends now, we're so close compare to the other boys, we're always hanging out but I tend to sit beside Taehyung or with the two girls, the boys created a name for their group as the BTS and everyone, I meant all the girls in school, well I dont know if boys too though, but they're so over them, like head over heels. And thats not really surprising.

They're asking us if what our—us girls' group name and I didn't chose with them but I dont expect they'll come up with Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice
and I'm having second thoughts of hanging out with them. I mean we dont look like powerpuff girls to be under that group name?

They made a group chat which is really cute there's no day that no one will send a message there, BTS with Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice , everyone have their own nicknames, for the three of us, I dont know why I'm the Spice. Lisa's Sugar and Shin hye's Everything nice. But its cute though.

And hanging out with them gave the two of us to spend time together—me and Taehyung but of course, with the others, but that helped for knowing much more with each other, its really fun too though, Lisa with Jungkook and Shin hye with Suga, they might not be together yet but.. of course there is a chance.

We're always going home together unless someone needs to attend detentions, but that's not really happening all the time, Teachers are just normally strict when its comes to being late at class.

"Who are you chatting with again? Taehyung?" My mom asked while fixing the table for me to eat before I go to school.

And yes, its Taehyung.

"Uh yeah mom, but we're just talking about he's drawings he's pretty good at it though" I replied and turned off my phone after.

She's suspecting.

And I, doing the this for the first time, gives me a nervous feeling, I dont like Taehyung, I mean, I, myself dont know it yet, but I'm good terms with him, we're entertaining each other, and my parents, probably wont like that.

I ate my breakfast quickly not to be late for school, "Mom! I'll get going now!"

"Okay, take care at school honey~ love you" she said and I kissed her cheeks goodbye—


"Yes mom?"

"No boyfriends for now okay? When you graduate college is the perfect time"

See? I knew it.

"Yeah I know" and I walk off to school.

When I arrived at school, Jungkook is the first person I saw, I run up to then seeing him with the others, "oh? Goodmorning Hyerin-ah!" Jin greeted and I greet him back "Hello to you too Jin" with a smile

"Who are we waiting? Aren't we gonna go to our class now? We have a few minutes left" I asked

"Taehyung's not here yet" Jimin replied, I didnt know I wont notice that. "Is he late?", "I think so..", I was just chatting with him a while ago, where is he?

"Oh? Irene..?"

"With Taehyung?" Jin said but accidentally raised his voice at the end

I looked at them and there she is again, clinging onto Taehyung's arms, I was close to getting jealous but seeing Taehyung getting annoyed, eased me a bit.

When Taehyung's few steps away from us he spotted us and gave me a look for help and I dont know that I didnt think twice but to walk up to the two.

I started walking up to them and Taehyung took the timing to meet me—means he annoyingly pushed Irene away "hey Hyerin-ah, did I made you guys wait?" He asked while putting his arms around mine "I just got here too, but its okay I guess we still have few minutes" I replied and we walked up to the others hearing Irene shouting and calling Taehyung "Oppa! We should be the one going to class together! Yah!" And that didnt stop until we enter the building.

All of us just shook our heads seeing how desperate Irene is, she's not stopping, and none of us dont know when will she stop, Taehyung said she's always flooding his inbox with messages, Taehyung's sometimes reply but its a short and cold reply the boys asked him why wont she give him a shot and he just replied with "I really need to reply to a very important person, do you think I'll waste my time for her?"

I swear, everytime we asked him about his love life, about the person he likes, and everytime he answer us, always leaving us being curious.

E-especially me..?

Well I'm a friend though, ...I-isn't n-normal? Pfft.

I-isn't n-normal? Pfft

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