Twenty one

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Its here. The results are already posted.

"Do you think I'll make it up to top 5? Or at least 10? D.amn I'll get killed if I don't" Lisa said getting nervous

"C'mon guys you'll be higher than that! You're in of course~" Shin hye replied

"Shin, of course you're confident, you're our top 1 last grading! And pretty sure you're still the top 1" I replied also getting nervous about the results.

Ms. Choi stick the chart on our board while she sat back down talking to the other parents for parents-teachers meeting.

My classmates didn't check their general averages yet so the three of us took the chance to check ours.

I started to look at the bottom to top getting much more chance since I dont see my name at the bottom part of the chart.

I'm so close to the top!! Oh my god—

Top 3: Seo Hyerin — 90.89%

B . I T CH

"Oh my god!!" I shouted not too much loud for me to get embarrassed in fron of the parents, of course, but quickly cover my mouth with my hands

"Oh my god b.itch I'm just points away from you!!" Lisa said "I'm top four!—you're top three!—You! You should be top two! Why are you top one! We should be together through ups and downs!" She said pointing at herself first, then me, then at Shin hye.

She did say that but that's a joke pretty obvious. We just laughed at her and he did too and congratulating Shin hye for being top 1 in our class again "hey guys!"

"Hey! Guys, BTS' here!" Lisa said while inviting them to walk to us to check their grades

"Hey! Namjoon's on top 2! Congrats Joonie!" I said and he thanked me and the other for congratulating him

"Ooohh Taehyung and Hyerin are tie! You guys are goals!"

I'm nervous.

"W-what? We're goals! See? All of us are on top 10! We grabbed all the positions!"
I said changing the topic.

My mom's here for the parents' and teachers' meeting. I know that nothing is going on between me and Taehyung but, for my parents, friends are friends only. Except if they're girls..

I tried to change the topic.

The boys looked like they felt something's weird and Hoseok automatically brighten up the mood.

"But look! Jimin! You're on top 5! Bro you got jams for this grading huh" Hoseok said while putting his arm on Jimin and ruffling his hair a bit.

"Yah! Stop! I had jams since then! You're the one who doesn't have one!"

We all became quiet and looked at Jimin.

"What?" Jimin asked

I slowly shook my head at him, Shin Hye replied with "Nu uh Jimin, No", "uh yeah, no, Jimin." Lisa replied and the others are also shaking their heads, disagreeing from Jimin's belief.

"Thats no truth bro.." Taehyung said
"The lie untold" Yoongi followed
"Caught in lie, Jimin dont do that" Jin replied
"See? Told you, you got no jams" Namjoon stated
"Not even a bit" Hoseok said, we all looked at Jungkook waiting for his insult and disagreeing at Jimin but he just "uhm, well, you're small"

"Oh!" Taehyung's reaction
"Bro you snapped!" My reaction
"Oh man holy s.hit!" Jungkook's reaction at his own
"Infires man!yeah!" Obviously yoongi
"Oh-hoh man!" Namjoon's reaction
"rUdE" Lisa's
And the rest just laughed their ass off while clapping their hands

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