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Ethan pushes me out of the way and off balance as we continue to run.

'Hey! No fair' I shout to him over the mind link, 'Just because I was winning'

He laughs as he overtakes me.

I push myself harder to catch back up to him and feel myself overtaking him. Caleb and Aiden now in my sights.

I soon catch up to them and overtake them, 'See ya' losers', I shout as I continue through the trees.

I could see the clearing we needed to get to and continued to push myself harder and run faster to get there first and beat my brothers.

I jumped out of the forest and onto the tarmac of the parking lot outside of the motel and turned to face my brothers. 'Losers' I taunted over the mind link.

'Yeah, yeah,' Aiden said as he caught me up, 'It's not fair, you've got all that first shift energy' he nudges me gently with his head.

I laugh and turn around when I hear a door being opened behind me.

Stood in the doorway was Alex.

I never felt happier. I bounded over to him and without realising jumped on top of him, forgetting I was a wolf for a second.

We landed on the floor with a big thud and he laughs.

"Might help if you changed back first"

He crawls out from underneath me and looks over to my brothers. I noticed Caleb give him a nod before they all walked away.

Alex shut the door and turned back to me.

"Okay, going to change back then?" he asks,

Wait, if I change back now, he's going to see me naked. Wolves don't need clothes and don't magically gain clothes when they shift back.

I shook my head.

"Why?" he asks,

I try to talk to him but am unable to.

"We're not in the same pack Elle, we can't mind link,"

I huff loudly.

I try to motion with my head for him to turn around.

He laughs, "What are you doing?"

Then it clicks.

"Oh" he laughs again, "You want me to turn around,"

I nod. Even as a wolf he can understand that.

He smirks and turns around, "It's not like I haven't seen you before, I changed you twice remember?"

I narrowed my eyes at his back when I remembered that he was in fact right.

"Done?" he asks after a couple of seconds,

I growl at him.

"Guess not then" I can tell he's smirking, "Just relax and let your body shift back to human"

I did what he said and yelped and scrunched my eyes shut as I felt my bones snap back into their human size and shape.

I opened my eyes when the pain had stopped and looked down and saw myself back in my human form.

I had already spotted a bag in here from earlier so searched through it for some clothes and just grabbed whatever I could find. I could tell my brothers had packed this, because there was no underwear or bras in there.

"Done," I said as I pulled the top down over my head,

Alex turned around and his eyes widened.

"What?" I said laughing slightly,

"Elle," he gasps,

"Have I got something on me?" I ask looking down at myself,

He walks over and grabs my hand, pulling me into the bathroom, "Look," he says motioning to the mirror,

My mouth falls open. Who was this girl in the mirror? I go to move but she moves as well. Was this me?

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

My skin was no longer pale, I was tanned and glowing, my hair was thick and hanging down past my shoulders, the brown colour shimmering. I didn't look ill any more, that thin and ill girl had gone and been replaced with a healthier looking version. I looked so different and healthy.

My eyes glanced over at Alex in the mirror, who was still looking at me with wide eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly,

It was like I snapped him out of a trance, and he shook his head, blinking a couple of times before looking back at me in the mirror.

"I-it's the shift," he says quietly, "It changes you, makes you healthy and fit,"

He can't stop looking at me.

I sigh, remembering what Alex had said to me the first day we met. This is the girl he wanted for his mate.

"So this is the girl you always wanted," I say quietly, looking away from him,

"Elle," he says grabbing my hand and turning him back towards him, "What are you talking about?"

"When we first met, this is what you meant. This is what you expected from your wolf mate. Not that fat and ugly girl you bumped i-"

He shuts me up with a kiss, he pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, staring straight into my eyes, "I didn't fall in love with you for your body, I fell in love with you because of who you are, how you are and how you make me feel when we're together. I don't care if you had stayed that way forever, I still would have loved you, for you."

It takes me a second to realise what he's saying. He loves me?

"You l-love me?" I stuttered out,

"Yes Elle," he says with no hesitation, "I love you, for who you are, not what you look like."

I feel tears prick up in my eyes, "I love you too."

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