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[Elle's POV]

After we'd been driving for hours, we all agreed that it would be better to stop for the night and carry on driving tomorrow. I could hardly keep my eyes open.

We pulled into a motel and dad parked up.

"Come on Gabrielle," my dad said, shaking me gently,

I awoke a little bit and managed to pull myself out of the car.

We headed towards the reception, where there was a small, plump woman sat behind the counter.

"Hello there," she said cheerfully,

She was far too cheerful for me. I just wanted to sleep.

"Just to let you know, we have limited availability tonight, only one double remains, and one single." She continues,

"Okay, we'll take them please," my dad states,

The lady behind the counter smiles. Dad pays for the rooms and we get given our key cards.

"Elle, you can stay with Alex in the double. I'll have the single," dad says as he passes Alex a key card,

That made me wake up a little, "Why can't we stay in the double and Alex has the single?"

My dad laughs, "Because do you really want to be sleeping in the same bed as your dad all night?"

"I'd make you sleep on the floor," I stated,

"Exactly." My dad says, "I'm having the single, you two are having the double."

I groan loudly and follow as my dad and Alex head towards our room.

Alex puts the key card into our door and opens it.

I say goodnight to my dad before walking into the room and plonking down onto the bed. I could already feel myself falling asleep.

"Elle," Alex's quiet voice woke me, "Aren't you going to change first before going to sleep?" he laughs, "Or even get into the bed?"

"Too tired," I mumble,

"Well where am I meant to sleep if you sleep like that?" I can tell he is smirking,

"On the floor," I manage to pull my arm up to point across the room,

"Come on," I hear a zip and ruffling,

I groan as he grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"Let's get you ready for bed," I feel him pull the large hoodie over my head, I was too tired to even process what was going on right now, too tired to argue.

"Okay," I say tiredly.

I feel him pull my t-shirt off and he speaks quietly, "Oh my god Elle, you look..." he sighs loudly.

I mumble incoherently. Too tired to form words.

He places the bed top over my head and brushes the hair from my face, "We're going to make you better Elle," I feel him kiss my forehead gently.

He finishes getting me ready for bed and stands me up as he pulls the bed cover back. He gently puts me onto the bed and puts the bed cover over me.

"There you go," I feel him kiss my cheek gently, "You can go to sleep now Elle,"

"Thanks Alex," I managed to whisper before falling asleep.

I awake the next morning, I was warm and the most comfortable I'd ever been.

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