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a/n: hey guys! sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been super busy! enjoy the next part and please vote and comment!!


I was awoken the next morning by Ethan.

"Elle," he said as I felt myself waking up, "How're you feeling this morning?"

"Ugh, tired" I groaned, rolling over and trying to ignore him,

"Well then, no school for you"

My eyes flashed open and I jumped up, "I'm fine"

He laughed, "You sure?"

"If I have another day off school, just sitting here by myself, I think I might die of boredom"

He laughed again and rolled his eyes, "Get ready then," he walked towards my door, "Do you want any breakfast?"

"Just maybe a piece of toast" I said, smiling at him as I got out of bed,

"Okay, I'll have it ready for when you come down"

I got ready for school, slowly. I felt drained this morning, actually drained of all my energy. Like my whole body was running on 0%.

I had managed to get dress and do my makeup, but I couldn't even hold my arms up for long enough to put my hair up, they got tired thateasily.

"Ugh," I groaned as I stretched my arms out. I gave up with the attempted ponytail and just brushed my hair through and left it down, it looked okay.

I looked at myself in the mirror, checking I looked okay before I grabbed my bag and glasses and made my way downstairs. I think this was one of the only mornings I wasn't rushing.

"Here you go sis" Ethan said as I walked into the kitchen. He slid a plate with one piece of toast on it across the counter at me,

"Thanks," I said, picking it up and taking a bite.

A bite was all I could muster before I started to feel sick, "I think that's all I can have right now" I said as I placed the piece of toast back onto the plate and pushed it away.

Ethan looked at me with a sad smile, "How about a drink?" he asked, opening the fridge, "Orange juice?"

"Go on" I smiled at him, he smiled back as he pulled the orange juice from the fridge and poured me a glass.

"Wow you're actually on time today" Caleb said laughing as he walked into the kitchen,

"Yepp, Ethan woke me this morning,"

"I wanted to make sure she had time for some breakfast" Ethan said back, and I noticed as he nodded towards my piece of toast,

Caleb looked at the plate before he looked at me and smiled, "Good," he said as he grabbed the piece of toast and started eating it himself.

"Any news from dad?" I asked, looking over at Caleb,

He shook his head, "I haven't seen him, think he came home late last night and left early this morning"

Aiden came down shortly after Caleb and also ate breakfast with us.

"Time to go," Caleb said standing up from the table and finishing off his drink,

"I'm not even finished" Aiden said through a mouth full of cereal,

"Come on" Caleb chuckled as he grabbed Aiden's collar and pulled him up, pushing him towards the door,

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