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"Elle," Alex says stepping away from me, "That's your wolf"

"What?" I ask looking up at him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know, I'm not s-"

"Just tell me Alex," I demand,

"It's like you were going to shift," he says, "but it was only happening when we were kissing,"

"But this is a good thing" I say,

"Well, erm," he says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, "I don't know. I don't think we should tell anyone about this Elle,"


"How are we going to explain this?" he says, moving his hand between the two of us, "To my pack, to your pack? I-"

I cut him off, "You're joking right?" I laugh sarcastically, "The first and onlything that has worked in trying to make me shift and you want to not do anything about it?" I can feel my voice getting louder, "Do you want me to die?"


I don't let him speak, "What is it Alex? Are you embarrassed by me?" I jump off the desk, "I'm an absolute idiot for taking your bait and getting pulled in by you. After you said all those horrible things to me the first time we met, I knew I shouldn't have been pulled in, I knew I would have got hurt" I could feel my voice getting louder, "I was told and told, time and time again to stay away from you, from multiple people and I didn't listen because I thought you were different" I raised my wrist, "And look now I've been hurt twice. What an idiot I am!"

"Elle, wha-"

"I don't want to hear it Alex" I grab my bag off the floor and pull my hand away as he tries to grab it. I walk towards the door and open it.

I turn back and look at Alex, "I don't even want to see you again," I hiss before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

I made sure I was far down the corridor before stopping and falling into a heap on the ground. I couldn't help myself, tears started to roll from my eyes.

What the hell just happened? I thought Alex wanted to help me. Instead he's just done the exact opposite.

I stayed there on the floor crying for a couple of minutes before I got up and walked towards the school entrance.

This time the reception lady tried to stop me, but I ignored her and walked right out. I walked right through the car park and didn't stop until I got home.

Luckily the front door was open, and I walked right in. I didn't stop to see if anyone was home and walked right upstairs into my dad's office.

I shut the door behind me and chucked my bag onto the floor. I flopped down onto one of the couches he had and kicked my shoes off.

I couldn't help myself; I felt my eyes tear up and they started flowing down my cheeks. I took my glasses off and threw them on the coffee table before putting my face into my hands.

Stupid Alex.


A couple of hours later the door to dad's office opened. I sat up and looked over as my dad walked through the door, "Gabrielle," he said as he spotted me there, "What are you doing here?"

"Sorry dad," I said standing up and wiping my eyes and nose, I sniffed loudly, "I'll leave." I didn't want him to know I'd been crying.

"No, it's fine Gabrielle, sit down." He said, shutting the door behind him,

I sat back down and sighed loudly, putting my glasses back on.

"Is there something you'd like to talk about?" he asks coming and sitting next to me,

I shake my head, knowing I couldn't tell him about what had happened with Alex because I was supposed to hate him.

"Elle, I think perhaps it's time I tell you something," he says, "I thought maybe because you hadn't shifted it wouldn't affect you, but it would seem it has"

I look at him confused.

"The very first wolf; the wolf goddess, decided that she would match up every wolf with another one," he explains, "So that no wolf would ever be alone in their life. They're called mates, and every wolf has their mate somewhere in the world and they'd eventually find each other"

"Dad what does this have to do wi-"

"Let me finish," he says stopping me, "Every single wolfhas a mate, even wolves that aren't even born yet. She's paired them all," he stops for a second, "And it would seem that she didn't see you coming and paired you up,"

I was still confused, "Dad?"

"Don't you think that there's one person that you've met that makes you feel the whole world stops? That you can't stop thinking about?" he asks,

Suddenly, my world comes crashing down on me.

Alex was my mate.

That's what he was on about the first time we met.

That's why he makes me feel like that. What dad was explaining was how I felt about Alex. Even though I hadn't shifted yet, I still felt all those things, I just didn't feel them as much as Alex did.

But if Alex was my mate, why didn't he just tell me all this in the beginning? Even after we started talking more and getting closer? Even when we'd kissed, he still didn't tell me.

I feel anger course through my veins, he knew this whole time and didn't tell me! He obviously thought because I wasn't a wolf that I wasn't worthy of knowing. That once I had died that he could just move onto someone else.

I could feel my breathing getting heavier and stood up, bad idea.

"Gabrielle," I hear my dad say before all I see is the darkness.

What's Wrong With Her? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now