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After dad had told me that Alex and I were mates, I had decided that I defiantly didn't want to see Alex. I was inclined not to go to school, just so I could keep away from him as much as I could. But that would be letting him win.

How could he have done all of this to me? And I just let him. I was warned about him, from my brothers, my mum, my dad, and even warned by members of his own pack to stay away, but did I listen? No. Now look what's happened.

I had decided to go to school but stick to my brother's side like glue. I made them come everywhere with me, I even made them wait outside the bathroom for me when I needed to go.

This continued for the rest of the week and I knew Alex had noticed. I could tell from looking at him that he was desperate to talk to me, but I wasn't going to sink to his level again.

It was finally Friday and was the middle of the day, we had gym. My least favourite lesson of the day now my health was deteriorating so much. My brothers had suggested I stay out of it and sit on the sides, but yeah right, like I was going to do that!

We were playing bench dodgeball again today, which is the game we played the first lesson of gym I had here at this school.

The teams were of course, Alex's pack vs my pack, with the human's just going anywhere. I could feel Alex's eyes boring into me as I stood talking to my brothers.

The whistle rang loudly, and I noticed all the wolves' wince with their sensitive hearing.

"Each group on each side of the room please" the teacher shouted, parting his hands,

Each pack, with human's in tow went to each side of the gym hall and the teacher laid out the balls.

"Watch your wrist yeah Elle?" Ethan said sternly,

I looked up at him and smiled, "Yeah I will. You know, it's actually feeling much better than last week," I said rolling it around, "I don't think I need the support anymore,"

"Dad better check you over before you take it off," Caleb said, overhearing our conversation,

"Yes sir," I said sarcastically bumping into his shoulder, and giving him a fake salute,

"I'm serious Elle," Caleb said, "You'll injure if more if you're not careful,"

I shrugged as we lined up against the wall, "Hey, I'm dying anyway,"

They all stayed quiet, not knowing how to reply.

I laugh, "Come on guys, it's a joke"

I know it's harsh to say, but it's the truth. I was going to die. The only thing that has worked in getting any response in my wolf, I wasn't allowed to talk about, and nothing else has worked.

My health was getting worse and worse and there's only so many bags of fluids can give me. He can't even give my medication because my body just throws it back up.

"Teams ready!" the teacher shouted loudly, "GO!" he shouts, blowing his whistle loudly.

Everyone quickly runs to the middle of the room, I'm unfortunately a little slower than the rest of my group this time and don't get to a ball in time.

I back step to the back of the group to try and hide behind some people to not get hit by one of the balls, which worked until the group started thinning out.

"OUT ALEX!" I hear the teacher shout and watch as Alex runs to our side of the court and onto the bench behind us.

This idiot really thought that he could try and talk to me that way?

What's Wrong With Her? [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang