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"Erm..." I started, not really knowing what to say.

The thing was, my brothers and I, along with my parents, we weren't a normal family. We were wolves. Normally, you don't turn into your wolf, or 'shift' for the first time until you turn 16. But that's just the thing, it didn't happen for me and I don't know why, my sixteenth birthday was months gone now and it still hadn't happened.

I was too scared to tell any of my family just in case they thought there was something wrong with me and I was thrown out or something. What if I was a freak though and that's why I didn't have my first shift?

My two eldest brothers had both had their first shift before I had left for boarding school, Caleb being two years older than me had his first shift two years ago, so he was used to it all by now. Aiden had his first shift just before I left for boarding school, so he was just getting the hang of things when I left. Ethan and I being the same age, meant I wasn't there when he shifted for the first time, but thankfully they all told me it was going to happen and how to prepare me for what was to come. So why didn't it happen?

"Elle..." I heard my name being said as I came back out of my faze,

"Oh yeah, it happened" I just said, not really knowing what do say otherwise,

"And..." Aiden asked,

" hurt" I was so bad at lying, especially to my brothers, but because I hadn't been through it how was I supposed to know what to say,

Aiden chuckled, "You think it hurt, you should have seen your twin here, he was screaming and crying like a little baby" he poked Ethan in the ribs, then scrunched up his face and started to fake cry,

Ethan growled slightly at him, grabbing onto the table to stop himself from falling off the chair, "I was not, you're such a liar"

Caleb piped up, hiding back a smile as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, "You were a little". He started to flick through his phone.

Ethan grunted and folded his arms across his chest.

I just laughed, I had missed this, my brothers being my brothers. I had none of this whilst I was away, it was just full of snobby, bitchy girls – none of which I got on with. I was too 'boy-ish' for them.

"What colour are you then?" Aiden asked,

I looked at him confused

"He means your wolf, what colours your wolf?" Caleb piped up, looking up from his phone for a second,

"Brown" I said, without really thinking,

Aiden and Ethan didn't say anything back, just nodded and Caleb didn't even look up from his phone, which means I must have got away with that one.

"So, you're coming back to school?" Ethan asked, thankfully changing the subject,

"Yepp" I smiled at him, "I start tomorrow, just been to pick up my timetable, mum already picked up my uniform last week"

The school bell rang loudly, and I saw my three brothers wince at the sound, the bell being too loud for their sensitive hearing. They all stood up and slung their school bags over their shoulder.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked confused,

"To lessons" Caleb said sarcastically,

"You're actually going to lessons?" I asked in shock,

"Yeah, we all just had a free period so that's why we were in here" Caleb walked past me,

"But...since when did you all become such goody two shoes?" I asked, shocked that they were actually going to go to lessons,

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