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I had my ear pressed up against the door. Trying to hear what was going on in the room and to try and make out who it was, with little success.

All I could hear was the footsteps of someone moving around the room. Before they stopped. I gulped loudly and stepped away from the door, so I faced it. I took a deep breath, knowing what was coming.

Suddenly the closet doors swung open and I let out a little cry and scrunched my eyes up tightly. Ready for death to greet me.

Then nothing.

"Elle," I heard a familiar voice sigh,

I open my eyes to see Alex stood there.

"Alex," I whispered, tears falling down my cheeks,

"Elle," he takes a small step towards me,

"Alex," I said loudly as I jumped over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

I felt him put his arms around me and return the hug.

"What the hell were you doing in here" he asks, pulling away from me,

"Caleb said to go and hide, that someone would come find me,"

He rolls his eyes, "Those brothers" he sighs, "It's not safe, we need to get you out of here"

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the closet.

"Just try and stay quiet Elle," he whispers, as we exit the room.

I don't reply, trying to stay as quiet as I could following behind him, taking two steps for his one step.

He drags me down the two sets of stairs to the ground level. It was carnage. Blood everywhere, bodies of humans and wolfs laying on the ground either dead or dying.

"Elle, just try not to look," Alex says, squeezing my hand, "We're almost there,"

We head towards a large door and he opens it.

I crush my eyes together as I'm blinded by the bright sunlight. This is the first time I've seen the sunlight in, what felt like forever.

The massacre continued out into the front garden, however, there were still wolves fighting out here. There must have been twenty-thirty wolves out here fighting against each other. It was a bloodbath.

Alex quickly shuts the front door and I feel his body tense, "We'll have to go around the back. Come on."

I follow closely behind him as we make our way through the large house and to the back garden. There were far less wolves out here.

There were only a couple of wolves that were fighting out here. The rest were on the floor injured or dying.

"Stay close," he says quietly as we head through the back garden, trying to avoid any conflict between the wolves.

We managed to make it through the garden without any problems and came to a large fence.

"I'll give you a lift up," Alex says putting his hands together,

I nod and put my foot into his hands, and he pushes me up and over the fence. With what little strength I had, I was able to pull myself over the fence and drop down the other side.

A couple of minutes later, Alex was over the fence and standing in front of me.

He looked tired, the wolfsbane was probably still making him weak, I watch him take a few deep breaths and look down at me.

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