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a/n: hey guys, I hope you're enjoying this so far! thanks for the reads! Enjoy the next part :)


I walked home after I finally managed to stop crying – the walk home didn't take long. When I got there, it was quiet, and I guessed that mum and dad were still at at work.

My mum and dad work very hard in their jobs and for that I'm grateful. Dads a doctor – to both humans and wolves – and he's also the pack's Alpha, meaning he's in charge of our whole pack along with his brother, my uncle, who's our Beta. Mum's a secretary – in the human world, she says she works with other wolves though, but from another pack.

I kicked off my shoes off at the front door and headed towards the stairs. I just wanted to go and hide under my duvet and stay there forever.

"Elle?" I heard a sweet voice say as I started to walk up the stairs, I leaned over the bannister as my mum stuck her head from the kitchen, "You okay? Did you see your brothers?"

"Yeah thanks, I did see them. They were really happy to see me" I smiled the best I could. The words of that jerk at the school were still ringing in my ears. "Your brothers will be home soon, wanna' help me make dinner?" she asked, smiling.

"Actually mum, I'm pretty tired after all the traveling" I lied, "I was just going to go and lie down for a nap"

"Oh, okay sweetie" She said, "I'll get one of your brothers to call you when dinner's ready"

I walked slowly up the stairs and into my room, it was filled with boxes from the old dorm room at the boarding school, but I just walked right past them and slumped onto the bed. It hadn't been made yet and just had the duvet and pillows on it with no covers, but I didn't care.

I pulled my glasses off my face and slung them somewhere in the general direction of my bedside table before stuffing my face into one of the pillows. I grabbed the duvet and pulled it over myself.

It became so quiet suddenly, all I could hear was that boys' words, 'why are you so plump?' It echoed through my mind. I could feel the tears coming back.

I forced my face further into the pillow and closed my eyes, tightly letting out a little groan hoping it would finally stop.

I felt myself falling into darkness as sleep took over me. The voice finally stopping only when I was fully asleep.

A couple of hours later, I was jolted awake to the sound of my bedroom door being slammed open. I heard running footsteps and groaned as a large body was slammed on top of me, "Ugh"

I heard Ethan speak as he pulled the duvet away from my face, "Hey sis, were you asleep?"

"Yeah," I said, pulling the duvet back, "I was just tired from all the travelling"

"Well mum told me to tell you dinners ready" he said, getting off the bed,

I groaned and sat up, Ethan grabbed my hand, pulled me out of bed and out of my room. I trailed behind him, taking two little steps for his big one.

Dinner was nice. My mum had put on a spread of buffet style 'finger food', like mini sausage rolls, mini pasties, salads, fruit etc. When I got down there with Ethan the food was spread through the middle of the table on little bowls and plates. My brothers were already digging in, filling their plates as high as they could. Mum was just helping herself to smaller portions, I assumed dad was still at work because he wasn't here yet.

I chuckled at the sight of my brothers piling food onto their plates and everyone looked over at me.

"You okay sis?" Aiden asked as he stuffed a load of food into his mouth,

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