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I jump up and out of bed as soon as I hear talking from inside of the house. I hadn't slept the whole time my family were gone.

I pull the oxygen off my face and drag the drip stand along with me as I head downstairs.

As I get downstairs, I can make out the voices more distinctively. It sounded like my family, but one of the voices sounded unfamiliar.

I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. I see my whole family sat at the table. However, what caught my attention were the two strangers sat at the end of the table.

One was a male and one was a female. They were both probably around the same age as my brother's and me.

The male had light blonde hair, with darker bits running through it. His hair was long and hung over his ears and blue eyes.

The female had very long dark blonde hair, which was almost brown, but also had blue eyes, which matched the males.

Who were these people?

"What's going on?" I ask, my eyebrows furrow together as I look at them all,

"Elle," Aiden says as he stands up and gives me a big hug, "We thought you were sleeping,"

I hug him back, "I couldn't sleep without knowing you were all okay,"

I smile over at Caleb who gives me a big smile back, "We're okay."

I also smile at my mum and dad, who smile back at me.

I was so relived they were all okay.

"Elle, come and sit down," Ethan says standing up and offering me his chair,

I nod and go and sit down where he was sat, Ethan places the drip stand just behind me, "Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Gabrielle, this is Emily and Noah," my dad said motioning to them, "They are the wolves we found in the woods. They're brother and sister, and originally come from a couple of states over. They'll be joining our pack."

Why didn't my family just kill them...I'm sure they would have killed us if they'd had the chance. "What? Why are they joining our pack? I thought they were rogues, t-"

Caleb, who's sat next to me, grabs my hand, and cuts me off, "Elle...Emily is my mate."

Luckily, I knew what mates were otherwise I'd look like a massive idiot right now. My surprise turns to happiness, I start to grin, "That's amazing. Oh my god, I'm so happy for you Caleb," I chuck my arms around him and hug him tightly,

Everyone laughs, and I realise what an absolute idiot and horrible person I've been.

I turn to Emily and Noah, feeling embarrassed, "I'm sorry about what I said, I'm relatively new to the wolf world"

Noah smiles and nods, holding his hand up, "It's fine, we understand."

"They'll be staying here in the guest rooms before space can be made in the pack house for them," my dad states, "If that's okay with you both?" my dad looks over at Emily and Noah,

They both nod before Noah speaks, "Yes, thank you Alpha. And I want to thank you again for accepting us into your pack. We were going to just run right through, but I guess the wolf goddess had other ideas," he looks over at his sister who blushes,

"Did you run through the next territory to get here?" I blurt out.

I needed to know if they'd come through Alex's territory to get here and whether Alex just let them right through.

What's Wrong With Her? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now