**Chapter 44**

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"Berryl, would you stop pacing? You are making me nervous!" I say to her as we sit at the bus stop that leads to her mom's house.

It has been three days since Berryl and I spoke about her mom. I tried convincing her everyday to go and meet her mom but she was just too nervous to do it. However, after giving her a long speech that concluded with, "Berryl, if you do not do this,  you would never know what would have happened. Do you want to live hating yourself for not even trying?", she finally agreed to go see her mom.

So here we are seated at the bus stop and Berryl is pacing herself out reciting over and over again what she is going to say when she finally meets her mom. They include and not limited to:
'Hi, I am your daughter Berryl.'
'Hello, Mom its me your daughter.'
'Can we talk? I am your daughter!'
'Good day, did you once have a daughter at a very young age? I am her."

"Berry? I need you to breathe. Whatever you say to her would be just fine."

"You sure?"

"A hundred percent. Now let's go, we have been sitting here for almost thirty minutes." I point towards the street, asking her to lead the way.

We arrive shortly in front of the house. Berryl is about to knock the door when we hear laughter come from the inside of the house. It is actually a very nice house.

"What if she has her own family and everything? What if my presence here is only going to destroy the wonderful life she has?" Berryl begins to scream loads of questions at me.

"I do not know sis. We are here to find out." I ring the bell as quickly as possible and mouth 'sorry' as someone opens the door.

"Hi, mom?" Berryl says to the person who opens the door. They stare at each other for what seems like ages. The woman closes the door and walks closer to Berryl, stares into her eyes and gives her a hug.


My heart skips thousands of beats when my mom opens the door.
"Hi mom?" Is all I can  bring myself to say. She stares at me with what I can only describe as both shock and horror. Fear grips my whole body as she moves closer to me and gives me a hug.

We break down into tears in each others arms and for that minute, feel like true mother and daughter.

"Come with me." My mother says and for the first time I hear her voice. I breathe a sigh of relief and follow her completely forgetting that Kayley is with us.

I turn around but Kayley whispers 'apartment' and walks away. I feel so grateful that she gave me and my mom this moment.

After walking for a while, my mother and I enter a coffee shop and we sit next to each other. We do not say anything to each other as the waiter takes our orders and serves us.

I stare into my cup of hot chocolate, wondering what next to say.

"You are very beautiful." My mother says and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"Thank you. So are you."

"I am sorry." My mother says and holds my hand.

"You never came to look for me. I know grand mom said she would have you arrested if you did... "

"No, do not blame your grand mother. She is a good woman. I am responsible for how everything turned out. I am so sorry honey. I should have tried harder. I should have fought for you honey... I should have. I regret my actions as a teenager every single day. I am sorry... I am so so sorry. I have no excuse for how I hurt you. I do not deserve your forgiveness."

"Do you have a new family... Husband and children? I heard voices in your house. I do not want to destroy your family..."

"No, no honey. The people you heard are my friends. I have actually been living with them for a few years now. I am renting a room and paying for it with the money I get from working at the grocery store. I am really trying to get my life together. I am so sorry..."

"I forgave you long ago mom. I forgave you long ago." I pull her in for a hug and once again we break down in tears being appreciative of this moment we have been blessed with.

"Thank you, thank you." My mother sobs in my arms like a child.

For the rest of the day, my mom and I get to know each other. It feels so easy communicating with her and it feels like we have known each other forever.

"Hey mom, I have to get going. I have a pop quiz tomorrow."

"Oh... I didn't even notice how late it is. Can I go with you to apartment so I can know where you live?"

"I would love that."

With that we head to my apartment never leaving each others side for a second.

"Hey" Kayley greets as we walk into the apartment.

"It's so nice to meet you. I am Kayley."

"Thank you Kayley, Berryl told me what you did. You must be a really good friend..." My mom gives Kayley a hug and I join in for a group hug.

"Thank you." I whisper to the sky feeling grateful for this moment.

Hey guys!
Its been a long journey writing this book. We are almost at the end of 'Finding Myself'. We have either one or two chapters left.

Thanks to everyone reading this book. 
I appreciate you all!!!


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