**Chapter 24**

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The semester is almost over and Hanson, Berryl and I spend almost every day together. It's amazing how we have all become very close. Hanson and Berryl have grown to really like each other, it's always so nice seeing them argue over who should do this or that for me. I love them so much and would not trade them for anything in the world.
One of the places we spend most of our time is at Hanson's meetings. I am always so happy to hear him teach us. He has to be one of the wisest people I know. Just a few weeks ago, he taught the group about how to live our best lives and one of the key things I learnt was living in the now and appreciating the present moment. He explained that, the future was only a projection of what we did today and so stressing over the events of tomorrow wasn't gonna make tomorrow great.  "The key to making your tomorrow a happy one, is to be the happiest you today", he said. I couldn't help but feel the emotions as he taught us. There is no doubt he is passionate about what he does.

My mom, dad and little brother also visited me somewhere in the middle of the semester. It was so great seeing them, I had really missed them and wasn't even expecting it when they called and told me there were almost at my school. I jumped for joy and run out to meet them. It was a happy reunion. I even introduced Hanson to my family and they welcomed him with open arms. We spent the whole day together and when it was time for them to leave, I couldn't help but cry my eyes out. I was gonna miss them.

"Babe, what time are you gonna go home?" Hanson asks. I know he is sad because the semester has ended. I would have to go back home and even though the vacation is only for a month, I cannot help but feel sad because I would miss him too.
"You know you can always come and visit me right?"
"I do, but it's not gonna be the same" he responds, pouting at me.
I draw in and give him a kiss to calm him down.
We are in his bedroom currently. There is no one at home so we have the whole place to ourselves. His dad and sister have travelled up state and he is to join them after the vacation.

"You know you are so beautiful?"
Hanson tells me for the nth time. Sometimes I feel like he exaggerates a lot. I cannot be the most beautiful woman in the world as he insists.

He pulls me in for a kiss and I cannot help but gasp. The kiss is passionate and demanding. He pulls me closer as his tongue brushes again mine. I cannot help but moan.
He smiles unto my lips and whispers sweet nothings to me.
His hands gently move up my thighs and I begin to shudder.
He takes his hands off my thigh and slowly lays me on the bed....

Oh my God, are we gonna....??

The next chapter contains mature content enter at your own risk 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Dedicated to StephanieLarkai0🙈🙈🙈🙈

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