**Chapter 12**

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"Hey Hannah..."
It's been a few days after the incident between Hannah and I and we have barely spoken to each other. I really feel bad about what I did so I have decided to apologize to her - I hate that she is sad.

"...Hey bro" she responds weakly as she sits on her bed. "I am so so sorry Hanson. I didn't mean to..."

"No, I am sorry..." I cut her off "...I should be apologizing not you. I know you didn't mean it. I am sorry for walking out on you like that?" I pout at her and she smiles.

"yeah, you were a jerk for walking out on me." She kicks me and jumps into my arms for our very famous squishy hugs.

"I know kiddo." I plant a kiss on her forehead and rise up to leave her room. 



"I miss mom."

"oh. I know you do Hannah. We all do. I would be going for the group meeting today on campus, wanna come along?"

"Nope, I am not ready yet."

"I understand sweety." I give her one last hug and head for the bathroom.
As I am bathing I can't stop thinking about my mom. I really miss her too. She gave me the idea to start this group on campus. She realized I love to teach people and learn new things so she suggested I do so. I guess Hannah does not want to come along yet because, she and mom used to come along on certain days with cookies and other delicious pastries. I mean, my mom makes a big deal out of everything. She would smile at me like I was teaching a whole stadium of people, when in reality we were only about ten in number. This is what I really loved about mom, she never ridiculed anything we did no matter how small.

"boy, I miss you mom. Hope you are happy were to are. Dad misses you too and Hannah - I know she cries sometimes..."


It is a bit before noon when I arrive on campus. We gather in the sitting area and begin to have our discussion.

"Hey guys, how was your week?"

They all begin to echo how long, boring, and interesting their week was.

"Alright, alright. It's good we have met here then. Last week we began our discussion on consciousness. I hope we all did further studies into it." 

We are deep into the discussion when Kayley walks in. She looks our way but doesn't see me. "wow" I say to myself as she finds a seat. She looks more beautiful every time I see her.

I decide to say hello so I wave at her, she notices me and begins to walk over, I excuse myself from the group.


"Hi" she responds, smiling.

"How are you doing Kayley?"

"I am alright. You?"

"Great great, I am good too. So what are you doing here?"

"Well, I just want to sit and listen to music. I have been touring the campus to see what I have missed. What about you?"

"Well, I am part of this group and we meet up during the weekends just to have a small discussion. You could join us...that's if you wouldn't mind. It's quite fun and interesting. I promise, you won't get bored. " I say, really hoping she says yes.

"Alright then, I would love to. "

"That's great" I smile at her and we go and join the group.

"Hey guys, this is Kayley..."

"Hey Kayley!!" They say smiling and waving.

After a few minutes, I close the meeting and introduce her to my friends and then we head out walking side by side in silence.

"Hey, I know this cool pizza shop around. Wanna go have some? " I ask breaking the silence.

"Sure. Now that you mentioned it I am quite hungry" she responds while laughing.


"Hi!  Welcome to  Pizza World what would you like to order?" Says the waitress who approaches us after Hannah and I sit down.

Amazingly, we both like the same kind of pizza so, we order that and engage in small talk while we wait to be served.

A few minutes later the pizza is brought to us and we begin to dig in.

"So, that was an interesting discussion back there." Hannah says. I am just glad she didn't find it to be boring.

"yeah, yeah. I hope we didn't bore you?"

"Oh are you kidding?  I really, really enjoyed myself. I have never heard all those things you were talking about. When did you join them? "

"Actually, I begun the group!" I say, feeling all proud of myself.

"oh, that's actually very nice. I guess there is more to you than meets the eye." I can't help but find that amusing.

"I am sure there is more to you too Kayley." she lifts up her head and we smile at each other for a while.

"so tell me, how's campus been since you arrived?" I ask.

"Well, not bad really, I enjoy the lectures very much. Haven't made any friends.... besides you— we are friends right?" I can tell that she is shy.

"Sure we are Kayley. We are."

We talk for some more and we realize that we have so much in common. Even though we are talking, my mind is busily being amazed by her beauty. I really admire her.

"Well, Kayley. I guess we should be heading back. It's been a great day right?"

"Exactly Hans, it's been a great day"

"Hans? I like my new name. I'll call you Kay"

We decide to call it a day and head back to campus. We walk side by side just enjoying each others company.

"This is me." she says as we arrive in front of her room

"oh..." I was really enjoying her company

"I would see you later on then?"

"Sure Hans,  you would. Is your dorm around?"

"No, actually, I do not live on campus. I live just a few blocks away from here."

"oh, okay then, see you soon?"

"Yes, see you soon."

I turn around to leave when she calls me back and suggests that we exchange contacts. I gladly agree to it.

"Thank you so much for a wonderful time Kayley."

As I am walking away, I am dancing in my mind. I feel happy and I think it's because of Kayley.

I think I am falling in love?

Authors Note:


That is a pretty long chapter.  Hope you enjoyed it?

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