**Chapter 13**

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Ever since Kayley and I exchanged contacts, we have been speaking over the phone everyday. She is very interesting and funny she even gave me a funny nickname,"spanky", after I told her about my parents giving me a good beating for getting lost in the woods after they had warned me not to go there.
We really had a good laugh.

"I can't wait to see her at school today." I think to myself.

"Hanson!" My dad calls out to me from his study. He has been feeling a lot better lately. Hopefully, he stays that way. He smiles when he sees me enter.

"Hanson, you know tomorrow is the family get together and your aunties are wondering if you would be coming with a plus one..." My dad looks like he hopes I say yes. I have a feeling, they are all expecting me to have a girlfriend already.

"Sure dad, I have a plus one, but she is not my girlfriend so I would not want you guys to make her feel uncomfortable. Okay?" I give him a scrutinizing look.

I can't believe I just said I have a plus one. I have not even asked Kayley yet. I really hope she agrees to come along.

Dad shakes his head at me and turns his head back into a book he was holding.

I head out of his library and for the mall. I want to surprise Kayley with a dress.

It is not too crowded when I arrive at the mall, I head for a boutique and look through some clothes. I settle for a long black dress with the help of a shop assistant.

I hope Kay likes this.

I look at my watch and it's almost time for her lecture to end. I quickly head for school. When I arrive, her lecturer is closing up so I stand outside the door and wait.

Once she steps out after they close, I grab her hand and pull her outside. I don't think she saw that it was me.

"Hi." I say when we finally reach the parking lot. I am so excited and nervous at the same time– talk about mixed feelings.

"Hi span... " I start laughing when I realize, she is going to call me spanky.

"Oh really Kay..." I say squeezing my nose at her.
"Well,  I hope you would still be laughing when I tell you what I have to tell you"
She senses my nervousness and smiles at me.

"My family is having this get together... We usually have it every year and I would like for you to come along with me.."

"Mmmmmm..  Okay. I don't mind. When is it?"

"Tomorrow! " I respond

"Whhaaatt?!! I don't have any clothes to wear."

"Don't worry, I have got you covered." I hand her the dress. "... I sort of already bought something for you"

She looks into the bag and smiles

"eerrrr.....  Thank you."

"Phheeww,  that's great. Thought you wouldn't... Alright then Kay, I would see you tomorrow. The time is eight in the morning."

"Okay Hans,  see you tomorrow."

We part ways and I head back home. I am so excited, I feel like I am floating on top of the world.

I can not wait for tomorrow.


Finally, we are back to where Kayley's pov ended. The next chapter would begin with Kayley's point of view. 😊😊😊😊

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