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Jhreams POV

2 Weeks later

I sat at the table with cuffs around my hands and feet. I slowly looked up and wanted to basically puke at the sight of Adonis.

"Jhream" He said looking me in my eyes.

"Adonis" I replied staring him right back into his.

"Looks like jail's been putting weight on you" he joked with a smile. I sarcastically smiled back.

"No darling.. My nigga just got his ways.. making sure im still eating good while being locked up" He raised his eyebrows at me and gritted his teeth. "Plus you know... I'm pregnant" I said to press his buttons a little more.

"Although I could argue the way you move as a Slut, Imma hit you with a better punch" he cockily replied.

"Enough bull shit why the fuck are YOU... here?" I asked breaking the elephant in the room.

"Our daughter" He replied.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "MY daughter."

"I mean how can one be a mother behind bars... facing murder charges?" He asked. My stomach knotted. From this point on I knew exactly where he was going with this.

"You'll never have Mi'Angel. You didn't even sign the damn birth certificate" I snapped.

"Well I didn't sign the birth certificate, but you left her in the care of... your new boyfriend? Who has no rights over her. So you have 2 options"

I readjusted myself, listening as closely as possible. "1. Put her through the system as you went through" he said, referring to adoption.

"Or 2. I test 99.9% her father..." he pulled out maternity papers and smiled "and get custody"

I looked at the papers, seeing in bold black letters he had somehow gotten a dna test on my baby. I looked into his eyes and almost saw the end of the light.

"ADONIS IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" I snapped. Instantly security reacted but it didn't stop me from tripping out.

"I'm gonna FUCKING kill you bitch" I spat watching him smile as I was dragged away.

This was the last thing I needed. Adonis knew I would crash out about my baby, how did he even get ahold of her.

What the fuck was going on out there that I didn't know about.

Kyree's POV

I needed Jhream out of jail as soon as possible. I missed her so much & with the fight for Mi, it only made me more miserable.

I looked down at Mi, who remained happy and giggly through every trial of our life. She was innocent and had no idea what was going on. I'm sure she wondered where her mother was tho.

"I promise imma fight for you until my last breath mama... they can't take you from me. Not the system, not ya 'daddy' not even ya mama. I love you"


I had to get shit done. I wanted to have bought a house by the time Jhream was out & put all this bull shit in this city behind us.

I couldn't tell her about the murder of Bre & never ever planned to. Since I've met her I never told her what was going on and that's what's kept me in random bull shit.

But this time it was worth it. I'd keep my mouth closed until I was caught in the act.

Adonis somehow discovered it's his right to know if Mi was his or not. I was legally forced to let him test & of course she is 100% his child. 

I put in too much work. It seemed like everyone was jealous of what me and Jhream built. Everyone was trying to tear us apart from Adonis, to her old manager Tyler, to Breonna...

What we had was real. & everyone who took us for granted once regretted it once they see everything they're missing out on.

I was changing. I wanted to be better, I wanted all this shit to end, I wanted to relax with the family I put in so much time for.

All Jhream needed was a bond & I swear I'm going to get her the same day.

My phone began to ring & looking at the caller ID, it was Jhream calling me from the jail.

I accepted the call and felt all my worry and stress flow from my body as soon as I heard her voice.

"Kyree I have the best news ever" Jhream excitedly says. "Wassup girl?" I responded, ready to finally hear some good news.

"I've got in touch with Adonis family. His wife" she said. I immediately shot up, turning the phone volume up.

"What's good about that they're trying to take our baby" I responded.

"No no no.... She knew nothing of me. She found out from snooping around. He had been getting suspicious to her & she wanted to find out. She had no idea I existed & definitely not Mi"

I sat in silence. I didn't know how to react. One part of me wanting to take this in as good new because of how excited Jhream was, but another part of me questioned what was so "good" about this.

"I know you're wondering where the good news is at.... She's not willing to accept his infidelity off springs. & as his wife, she has say so in this custody battle" Jhream said.

"Damn, what's up with that bitch?" I asked. "Not saying I want Mi to go with them but now I feel even more anxious about it, I don't want anyone mistreating my baby" i said.

"Even better news... Adonis has been sick the past 4 years. She thinks he's talking to young innocent women like me & after snooping I'm not the only woman he has had outside children with.. she thinks he's in his last days, trying to do everything he can before ... dying"

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My book going up. Excuse mistakes

This book is almost over yall

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