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4 Days later

Jhream's POV

"Shhh baby im coming" I said in a rush to make Mi'Angel's bottle. She had been crying for a few minutes & it seemed like the bottle wasn't coming fast enough.

I ran up the stairs to our house then into her room lifting her from her crib.

"Mama's here" I said, babying her. I put the bottle in her mouth & watched as she slowly settled down, looking me in my eyes.

"See mama, Everything's okay" I ran my finger down her cheek & listened to her faint little sniffles slowly slip away.

Suddenly the room went dark. Every light & tv shut off & I think I even heard the heat switch off.

It wasn't cold outside but inside the house it tends to get a little chilly. Ever since I brought Mi'Angel home I kept the heat running low.

"The fuck?" I mumbled under my breath. I laid Mi in her crib & bundled up a cover to hold the bottle up.

I reached to my back pocket & pulled out my phone for a flashlight. Being in a big ass house in the pitch dark with a new born made me feel a bit worried. I don't know what the fuck was going on.

Mi'Angel's dad made big money, So we had a nice ass house right along with the other wealthy people in our neighborhood.

He got me anything I wanted from cars, Clothes, Shoes down to jewelry.

I slowly walked out of Mi'Angel's room flashing the light down the stairway. I made sure to keep an speedy pace because my daughter was still upstairs all alone.

I reached the end of the stairs & made my way to the electricity closet to see if there was something wrong with the power... Or maybe if a switch jumped.

"The fuck is going on?" I asked myself. After checking everything, nothing was out of place. It wasn't shit wrong with the electricity, it's just the power had been shut off.

Adonis had been the best thing that happened to me since I met him 4 years ago. That was up until I told him I was pregnant.

He acted like everything was okay. Made me feel comfortable, went to work & never came back.

A few weeks later, the cars that he gotten me was took away. He left without any closure on where he was going or why he was leaving in the first place.

Although Adonis left us alone, He's been keeping our bills paid.

"Dumb bitch" I spat, running my fingers through my hair. This had to be the cherry on the whipped cream. The nigga not only left me alone, but now he's not paying the bills.

I have a 1 week old baby that I had to protect & give my last. Sitting in a house with no electricity or heat was just some shit I couldn't do.

I scrolled through the contact list in my phone and stopped when I came across the only connected person to Adonis that I had contact with. His mother.

"Hello" She answered. His mom was also well Took care of by Adonis.

"Hey this is Jhream is Adonis there?" I asked, sitting my hand on my hip.

"Nope he aint here" She replied with attitude now built in her voice.

I frowned my face up & remained silent before laughing and shaking my head.

"Okay well can you please call him and ask what's going on with my ligh-

"No I cannot. You're responsible for your own bills, He has a family of his own" Confused, I rolled my eyes & continued to remain silent or I'd snap.

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