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Jhream's POV

I looked through my medicine cabinet, in pain , stressed and overwhelmed. Mi had been crying since I got home & my stomach was killing me!

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK" I repeated out of frustration. Not only did I lose my job after finally getting on my feet, my daughter sobbed for unknown reasonings and I constantly threw up in my toilet until it felt as if I was turning into some werewolf.

& before you ask, no I am not pregnant.

trust me, that thought crossed my mind 100
Times too. Then I calmed down and remembered not only did Kj pull out, I took over 5 pregnancy test and they all came back negative plus I had just came from my period a week ago. Something that I ate or the worry in me from being fired was just eating me up.

I slammed my cabinet and just accepted the fact I'd feel like shit for the rest of the day. I went to the kitchen where I had a grilled peanut butter & jelly sandwich and cleaned my mess before turning off my light and heading to my daughter.

"Mommies here" I baby talked to her as I picked her from out of her play pin. I had fed her, changed her, bathed and burped her. I thought that she had just been whining be coincidentally when I grabbed her she was soothed.

She instantly laid her head to rest and within 10 minutes was sound asleep. I placed her in her crib & climbed into my bed. I made myself comfortable in my thick comforter before turning rain noises on my tv. I used them almost every night to soothe both me and Mi'Angel to sleep.


I shot from my sleep and immediately reached for my stomach. I began to couch dramatically while my stomach felt like I had been stabbed by 3 knife men.

I looked over at my clock and read 3am. I threw the covers from my body and sprinted to my bathroom, immediately barfing into my toilet. I was still half sleep for the majority of that, so when I woke up I noticed a cold, wet feeling in my silky, yellow pajama shorts.

I looked down at them and seen them covered in blood, a very, VERY unhealthy amount of blood.

Without thinking twice about it, I called Asia and let her know I needed her to get to me immediately & just to my expectations, no matter how late it was, Asia hopped up for me and rushed me into the ER.

Kyree's POV

"What?" I asked rubbing the crust from my eyes. I was still half sleep and couldn't process what Asia was screaming to me over the phone.

"Jhream is in the hospital Ky.. get your ass up and come on.!" She aggressively replied before hanging up in my face. Although she was a girl, since a kid I never wanted to upset Asia. She was rough.

I hurried and rushed from my bed, tripping and falling on the floor but immediately regrouping myself like nothing had happened. She called me this late at night so I know this had to be a serious matter.

I threw on a wife beater and over that an olive green Nike tech sweat suit. I grabbed my wallet & my shoes and got into my car.

Luckily it was night time, I was able to freely speed through the streets and run lights..

Suddenly a siren rang for 2 seconds and red and blue lights flickered behind my car. I looked up to my mirror and smacked my lips.

"The police always on my dick bruh"

I thought about burning their ass and leaving em on the streets, but instead I pulled over.

Jhream's POV

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