listen to wis, roric. honestly the fact that you brought her to your secret hideout when your whole issue was with her finding out stuff about you was probably the dumbest thing you could have done. you could have whisked her to another alley. literally it could have been that simple. but no you had to knock her out and bring her the whole 45 give or take mintues away to you secret hideout. i really can't believe how dumb that was. nice job, me.

"But her father was also coming down the alleyway. Where we supposed to wait for him and make him swear too, or kidnap both of them?" Roric protested. "No, Wis, I'm not taking chances with this noble." He jerked his chin at Miryanna.

She decided instantly that she did not like this rough man clad in dark clothing. Upon further inspection, she found him to have a sword on his back, along with a bow and arrows in a quiver. He had a scar along his cheek and his general appearance was hardened as if by weather and many battles.

dark clothing, swords, weather-beaten, sounds like a discount aragorn. *stage whisper* which is exactly what he is except without the whole Noble thing

Wis was definitely more friendly looking . Her clothing mainly consisted of a dusty blue color that matched her eyes beautifully. She had a leather strap tied around her waist for a belt and on it was hung a pouch, and a knife.

that's a really lame belt. maybe it's just a replacement until she can get a new one

Andarin was in stark contrast to them both, with this rich noble's clothing and fancy looking rapier at his side. why does andarin have a rapier? why a rapier? we just had that discussion about longswords and scimitars. what is andarin going to do with a rapier? Miryanna was still very puzzled as to their purpose and the purpose this infamous group called Ergli. Wis, Andarin and Roric all got involved in a conversation that revolved around her which gave her a chance to contemplate what had happened. She thought back to the conversation she heard, ...Growing stronger... Rather fight against the king than for him... with such a king, it's little wonder... She strained her brain to think of what this all meant, which was rather hard, considering her headache. The note in her room! That had to be somehow connected to all this. The symbol. The growling lion devouring the sneering serpent. 'Never fall asunder'. She again looked at the threesome, but this time she noticed something about Roric that she hadn't noticed before. On his hand, right on the fleshy part between thumb and forefinger, was a tattoo. She sat up and put her feet on the floor, ignoring her aching head to get a better look. It was the growling lion and the sneering serpent. She pointed and cried, "You have it!"

wait how did she notice a tattoo on his hand? why would he get a tattoo if it's such  secret organization? why don't andarin and wis have tattoos? also, said tattoo is never mentioned again

All of them stopped their argument and looked at her, puzzled expressions on their faces. Miryanna blushed. She hadn't meant to call this much attention to herself, but now that she'd started she had to finish. "Um, your hand," she pointed at Roric's hand.

He pulled his hand inside his shirt sleeve, but Miryanna continued, "I've seen that symbol before. 'Never fall asunder'."

not mentioned, but given my tastes at the time, i am pretty sure roric is wearing gauntlets which are not very conducive to hand pulling inside

Wis came a little closer to her, "Where did you see it, child?"

Miryanna glanced at the others. "It, it was on a note left in my room. It was was crudely written, but it said 'prepare for trouble, it's right around the corner. And on the back of it, it said 'tell no one' with that symbol of the lion devouring the serpent with the motto of 'Never fall asunder'." She finished.

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