Y/n however didn't know that her most bestest friend Dick was there at the campsite waiting for her other friend Draco.
"Y/n!" He called when he saw her "there's some real cool stuff I gotta tell you." Dick looked over at the trio "sup guys!" He winked at them, or did he just blink? It was hard to tell with his eye-patch.
"See you guys back at the site!" Y/n called to the trio.

"So what's up?" Y/n asked as they started to walk together
"Well... you know my mom?"
"Not personally but yes." Y/n replied
"Well, don't know how, but someone paid her bail from Azkaban. Said that she had the right to be in her sons life... stupid, but the ministry let her go." Y/n looked at him wide-eyed
"Dam... is she here?"
"No haven't seen her yet. She's getting rid of the restraining order the ministry put up. Made by me... but hey, that's The way the news goes apparently."
"S'pose so." Y/n shrugged. They walked on a bit further and Dick noticed a fair few people they knew from school. Emmet Weasley (American cousin of the Weasley's), Jake and Bella and the triplets Robin, Fizz and Cooper. Those three all had white hair but Robin had dyed her's ruby red so that she was recognisable from her brother and sister. The three were all originally from Australia but in y/n's third year, they moved over with their family and started attending Hogwarts.

"Yo guys!" Y/n called out, she had grabbed her friend's attention and they all waved at her.
"Got your guitar y/n?" Emmet asked
"Ga'doy" y/n rolled her eyes and blinked *that means teleport but can't be asked to write that each time* over to the tent for a brief moment, grabbed her electric guitar that Sirius had gotten her for Christmas and blinked back to where her friends.

"Got your guitar y/n?" Emmet asked"Ga'doy" y/n rolled her eyes and blinked *that means teleport but can't be asked to write that each time* over to the tent for a brief moment, grabbed her electric guitar that Sirius had gotten her for Christmas a...

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"We've got the drums, amps, bass and mic" Jake said as he sauntered up to the small group "there's a space over there where we can really shred it and cause some stellar tunes!" He made a heavy metal gesture with his hand, stuck his tongue out and nodded his head vigorously.
"I'm thinking we do wake me up?" He asked the general group
"Nah! Heart of fire for the win!" Cried Cooper
"You've all got it wrong! Our best song is our destiny!" Retorted Emmet
"Ladies, ladies please... if we want a crowd pleaser, we gotta go big. People love my stellar guitar solo's, Emmets weird ass voice, Dick's crazy drum playing and Cooper's cute little face when he tries to be cool on bass." Y/n ruffled Cooper's short white hair "what we need to do is world of sacrifice. If yall take your shirts off, we can have some bad ass black body paint and dope shades... we could really kill it here. You in?" The group all looked at each other in turn, then looked at y/n.

"This is gonna get us some serious street cred yo!" Dick yelled as he put his hand in the middle of the group circle.
"Dick, hon, we don't do that." Bella told him sweetly
"Well we should! We need to be known for something! We don't even have a band name!"
"He has a point." Bella told y/n " What do you think?" Y/n thought for a moment. Band names rushing through her messed up little mind. Then she settled on something.
"Blueberry lemonade?"
"Blueberry spelt blooberry? With the "o's" as actual blueberry?" Y/n suggested with a quizzical look on her face.
The group looked at Y/n and said "yes" in monotone unison.Y/n and the new band ran towards the open space they were talking about.

Y/n plugged in her guitar to the portable amp that the group owned, as did Cooper in bass and Emmet for the mic. Y/n went up to the mic to introduce the band, Dick was twirling his drum sticks at the drum kit that y/n had materialised with the band name on it.
"Heyo! What's going on all you beautiful people here at the World Cup, huh?" The crowd that had formed cheered "so we are "Bloobery lemonade!" and we are going to perform a pop-up concert for you guys!" The crowd cheered again. Y/n could see her brother, Hermione and the Weasley family in the crowd, along with Draco and who Y/n assumed to be his parents not far from them. "So we politely ask you to chill and relax as we show you our very best song from one of my personal favourite albums. Today you folks are lucky enough to listen to "world of sacrifice" from our "Black veil" album! Enjoy!" Y/n threw he arms in the air for her big finish and then made her was to the left of the drums.
A/n I don't own any of the songs I mention like I've said before, but let's just pretend like you wrote the songs you perform. Also, love panic! And black veil brides! Those bands are awesome!
The whole band played like crazy, the crowd going wild when it came to Y/n's epic solo and members of  the Ireland and Bulgarian quidditch team turning up to watch the music while they waited for the match to begin the next day.

They did a few more awesome songs (of your choice) and by the time they finished, it was dusk. Y/n had just coiled up the last lead and was about to blink to the tent when a very well-known Bulgarian boy stopped her. She swung her guitar behind her and he introduced himself as Victor Krum.

"Hey, Y/n Potter, how'zit going?" Y/n said slapping his hand like she always did.
"I take it you have come to watch the game?" He asked her in his thick Bulgarian accent
"No, I've come here camping. Of corse I'm here to watch the World Cup you cave man!" Y/n laughed and Krum chuckled
"Who are you supporting?" He asked her
"Ireland for the win baby!" Y/n punched her fist triumphantly in the air and then looked at Krum's dejected face "what?"
"Well I thought someone as pretty as you would be supporting me in the stands, it would give e a reason to win." Y/n looked at Krum shocked
"I'm 14 dude."
"And I am 18 what's four years difference." Y/n shrugged
"Suppose I see where your coming from Krum, but just don't get your hopes up about getting my number." Y/n playfully punched Krum in the arm and blinked over to their tent where she once again shared a room with Hermione and Ginny. Y/n dreamed of an audience screaming her name for an encore. She smiled.

She was ok for a Potter Where stories live. Discover now