145: Mommy Will Understand What I Really Want

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Adelaide opened her eyes and looked around. She was in her crib again, staring up at the spinning arms of her mobile. Mommy was reaching over to stop the movement, so Adelaide could look away before she got stuck looking at it again. Then a moment later, there was a click from somewhere to one side and the bars on one side of her vanished. They were just clipped onto the side of the bed, but she knew already that she wouldn't be able to get out without some help from her Mommy.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Mommy asked. Adi pouted, trying to show she wasn't happy even if she wasn't awake enough to think of words yet. Mommy pouted back, and that was all it took to have Adi erupting into fits of giggles. If she knew how funny she looked then she couldn't stay angry.

"I wanna..." Adi mumbled, and stopped to laugh again when her lips didn't quite move like she wanted. It made her sound like a real baby.

"Somebody's less cranky now," Mommy patted her on the head, and Adi knew that everything was good. There was nothing to worry about, and the grown-ups would sort out any problems.

"Okay, do you want to go downstairs and open the rest of of your presents?" Adi started grinning even wider, she couldn't stop herself. She was so excited by all the presents, and she couldn't wait to find out what was in them. She knew she was being babyish now, but she knew she had to find out what was in those presents. It felt so good, and it would be easier to go back to normal when she was less excited, when she could talk properly. She might even remember the word while she was playing, and then she didn't need to tell Mommy that she forgot it.

The world spun around her as Mommy picked her up and gave a twirl. Adi didn't know if she should scream or laugh, and she tried to do both at the same time until she ran out of breath and all she could do was wriggle against Mommy's shoulder.

"Come on, Adelaide. Let's get you back to the party. Okay?"

Adi started to nod in reply, but then she thought a little bit, and looked down. She could feel that she might have just wet her diaper, and she didn't want anybody else to see. But she didn't know for sure and she couldn't think how she might say it even if she knew. She could only blush, and keep quiet.

"Oh, did you have a little accident?" Toni asked, first putting her palm against the front of Adi's diaper to feel the warmth, and then gently pushing two fingers under the edge to check. Adi started blushing even more, but she couldn't do anything or say anything as Toni continued: "I think you'll be fine for a while yet. I just changed you before your nap, didn't I?"

Adi nodded, but the pout didn't leave her face. She knew that the diaper had easily absorbed her pee, and she wouldn't even feel wet until the next time she heard her name. But there was something weird about going down to see her friends when she was already wet, and her shame at being too much of a baby was cutting through the happiness she got from Toni's strong hugs.

"Okay. One more change, so you can go down nice and fresh," Mommy seemed to understand, even when Adi didn't have the words to say what she felt. She laid Adi on the changing table, and opened the snaps under her skirt. The diaper change was quick and simple; Adi was already blushing so much that she didn't fight it, and she didn't need any toys to distract her from what Mommy was doing. And Mommy kept talking as she removed the damp diaper and taped a clean one in its place.

"Just remember," she crooned, "if you want to be babied more, you just have to act like a baby. If this has been a bit too much for you, then we can talk about it when you're a little more grown up tomorrow. Or if you show me how much you really want it, you can be a complete baby for the rest of the holidays. You don't have to say anything, and you don't have to use big words. Just show me how much of a baby you want to be."

Adi nodded, still trying to remember the big word that would set her free. She couldn't think of it, but she knew that didn't matter. The grown-ups would look after her today, and then she could tell Mommy what she really wanted without spoiling the party. All she had to do was not be too much of a baby, and how hard could that be?

Author's Note: Sorry for all the delay this time. Tax paperwork is taking a bigger chunk of time than I hoped, and in between stress is crushing my creativity a little. I think I'm starting to get over it now, though. With extra special thanks to my supporters on Patreon and Ko-fi, and everyone who's checking out my books on Amazon. You folks are giving me a chance that I never thought I'd have; and if and I might even be able to afford illustrations if a few more people join the herd.

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