27: I'm Too Smart for This Shit

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Adi turned to the first page number written on the whiteboard, and did her best to focus on problems that she knew she should be able to solve. It was harder than it should be to stay focused, but then that had been the whole problem. She knew that such simple mathematics would never be a stretch for her intellect, so she'd put off doing exercises through the year. She could solve the problems easily enough, but because she'd been treating them as beneath her, she hadn't gotten as much practice as the people who'd started out struggling. And now the teachers hadn't seen evidence of how smart she really was, so she was forced into taking these additional classes to prove herself.

And now she was looking down at the questions on the page, she found it hard to dredge up the right answers from the depths of her memory. Practice, that had to be the key. She could work out the answers, but it took too long and there were too many places that a careless error could slip in. She'd been silently laughing at her classmates through the year as they struggled with such simple logic. She'd thought that they would do okay, because practice could take the place of raw intelligence, but pitied them for needing it. But now she was starting to wonder if finding the answers quickly enough to take an exam might require both intelligence and practice. Had she let herself down by resting on her laurels too much?

She could find the answer, but it took a long time. Now she needed to know the simpler methods that simpler minds could use, and she had no friends to ask. After struggling with some of this stuff for half a year, Britney and Toni had learned well enough that they could repeat the methods they had been taught well enough to convince the school they didn't need more tuition. They didn't understand what they were actually doing, but they could go through the motions quickly, and it seemed like the system was engineered to only reward that behaviour.

Adi needed to stop overthinking. Two hours later, she'd barely completed the first set of problems. And this being Catterton's class, she knew that the remainder would be her homework. But she'd done it; she'd answered the questions, and she knew that she just needed to get faster. And as ever, she didn't need anyone else's help.

Finally, the bell went and she could gather up her books. It was only then that she realised the bulk of her diaper. It was heavy and sagging, and she could only that didn't make the bulk visible to anyone looking at her ass. It was cold and clammy too, this was probably the longest she'd worn one without getting changed, and she quickly decided that she didn't like the feeling at all. More than just being embarrassing, this was uncomfortable. And that made her even more determined to solve her little problem as soon as possible.

* * *

Adi walked slowly from the bathroom back to the gates on Growlithe Road, where Mom would certainly be waiting for her by now. She got the bus home from school most days, but when Mom wasn't working late she'd wait here to get a ride. It was more convenient, not having to change busses halfway home, but right now Adi would have liked it a whole lot more if she could avoid spending quite so much time in the presence of her mother. She just couldn't think of a way to say that she didn't want Mom to use her name without it seeming strange, and she couldn't bear to tell anyone else her secret.

By some miracle, she managed to get all the way home without hearing her name. She was wearing one of the medical diapers now, hoping that she would be able to worry less about the possibility of it leaking, and she found that it wasn't actually too uncomfortable. If this kept going much longer, she might be able to stop noticing the padding under her butt. But as she got home, she was already thinking of ways she might be able to ensure it didn't last that long.

"I'm going to order pizza tonight," Mom said as she closed the door. "There's a chance we might have a little more money coming in soon, and I think it would be okay to celebrate a little. What would you like?"

"Uhh..." Adi hesitated. It wasn't a big celebration, but it probably meant that Mom was serious about getting that raise, or whatever it was. When she had so many more pressing things on her mind, the simplest decision took quite some time to get back to her tongue. "Hawaiian, please. Extra cheese. Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome," Mom smiled for a change.

"And Mom?" the words were coming out before she could even think about it properly. She knew what a gamble she was making, but it was too late to stop herself. "Can you try calling me Adi? Like, all my friends do." That was the closest she could think of to a reason that didn't raise further questions, and she just hoped Mom would go with it. While she was in a good mood, maybe there was a chance she wouldn't need to dig into things that didn't concern her.

"Of course, dear. I shall try to remember."

Adi gave a sigh of relief, and headed up to her room to start on her homework. She was already at the door before she heard the plaintive whine: "I always thought Adelaide was such a cool name..."

As she locked the door behind her and pulled up a selection of hypnosis files on her phone, Adi did the mental arithmetic of how long it would take Mom to call, and then for the pizza to be transported all the way from the store. She was sure that she'd have time to sort something out, and she didn't want to waste any more time than necessary if there was a way to be free of her predicament.

"Before you start, just say your name," the voice on the recording advised.

"Addykins," Adi said firmly. If she listened to the file again and picked a proper little name, she was sure that would change everything. Or at least make it easier for the original suggestions to fade. She plugged in her headphones and lay down on the bed, with the phone right beside her. She had a plan now, something she could actually do to make things better. Simple things like changing her diaper could wait until after she'd fixed the real problem.

"If you've listened to this file before, then you might already be finding that it's so easy to recite your baby name without realising it, in time with my words. So say it again, and remind yourself just how you want this recording to work. What is your baby name?"

"Addykins," Adi replied again, focusing as intently as she could on the syllables of that name. It would become her baby name, and then she would be free. She couldn't wait to tell Britney and Toni that she'd solved this puzzle all by herself.

"Addykins..." she repeated again.

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