54: There are Two Sides to Every Story...

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It was the middle of the afternoon the first time Adi lost her temper with her little brother. Knowing his antics, and some of the tricks he'd learned from his creepy friends, she was surprised it had taken so long.

Seconds later, the little punk was fleeing down the stairs, pursued by a torrent of every offensive word that Adi could think of.

"Mom, Mom!" Garfield gasped, and there was an answering yell from the lounge.

"Adi, you know better! Garfield isn't old enough to know words like that, and I expect you to set a good example. I thought you two were getting on now. If you have a problem, come and talk about it like civilised adults."

Adi took a deep breath, and then another. After a few seconds, she felt that she might be able to express herself without causing a scene. She looked around her room, shut down her computer, and then headed downstairs to face whatever her punishment was going to be. There was no doubt that she would be in a lot of trouble for her language, now including a selection of foreign profanity that she'd actually picked up from her brother. But of course, he had the self-control not to curse in front of their parents, so he always came up smelling of roses. She could only hope that this time, his actions might have crossed a line.

Before she got downstairs, she picked up a piece of bright yellow and green foil, and turned it between her fingers. It only took her a second to realise what it was; the top of a packet of trading cards. It had been cut really close to the edge and then folded over, so that the zig-zag row of spikes along the top of the packet protruded from the top of a tiny roll of shiny plastic as thick as it was wide. Adi would never have thought to make something like that, even if she'd had a packet of those overpriced cards, so there was a chance that this time she had some evidence of her brother's crimes.

Author's Note: Short chapter this time, because I don't want to have a break in the middle of the argument. And also wondering if anyone figured out what Garfield's done to get her so angry.

Also wondering if you can see where the story's going. Is Adi going to end up as a baby, or escape, or some option in between? And who's going to be looking after her if she's a baby? I think there's 4 candidates at this point, depending if I want to be cruel or kind to her. I've made a few hints, but not sure if those will stand out to anyone else. Knowing what readers saw or didn't see is always my weakness. So I'd love to hear both what you think is likely, and which kind of ending you might prefer.

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