Chapter Thirty

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Piper's POV

I had no idea what I had done, all I knew is that a large, burly man was running towards me. All I noticed was that he was wearing the opposing sides armour so I propelled my sword forward, He sunk to his knees, his hands covering the fatal killing wound. I looked up and gasped, I realised it was Kronos. One of his guards walked forward,

"But he bathed in the River Styx?!" One of the guards shouted.

Below the Left Armpit.

The only reason Achilles died was because he was hit in his weak spot, a spot that always comes with bathing in the River Styx. I looked at where I had impaled the sword, Sure enough, It was lodged just underneath his left armpit. 

"It was his weak spot, Everyone who bathes in the River Styx has one, I was just lucky enough to hit it," I muttered, still loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Time to sleep, Kronos. It'll be better for everyone." I whispered as he slowly died. His body fell back, as it hit the ground he disintegrated, the last bit of proof that he existed was blown away with the wind.

Percy stood up straight, "There's no use in killing who are left. Bury your own, Kronos's army has fallen. Remember that." He threatened,

Suddenly the confidence that all the warriors had while battling dissipated immediately. The began to quickly move away, grabbing the bodies of their friends or fellow warriors. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. That's when I noticed,

"Annabeth?" I shouted, confused.

She looked bad like she was sick with a hundred different viruses at once.

"Will, Take her back to the ship, do some tests and make sure she's ok, we'll be over in a bit," Percy ordered sharply.

Will ran over and threw a thick blanket around Annabeth's shivering shoulders, slowly guiding her back to the Argo. Now that all of Kronos's army had cleared out, we could see the casualties clearly.

"Wait a minute, where are the Romans? I thought the plan was for them to come in soon after we did?" I asked,

Percy scowled, "Clearly they thought that the didn't really need to help since we decided to go with someone else's battle plan. It doesn't matter, we still won. A messy one albeit, but still a win."

"We need to make graves, it's what they deserve." Frank choked out, looking over the dead bodies.

"PERCE!" Thalia came running over, a large cut bleeding profusely from her cheek. Scratches covering her golden shield.

"I just checked, the Romans are gone." She huffed.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Doesn't matter. Next time they need help they just won't be getting it from us. Now go fix that cut, You and your hunters did good Thalia."

She smiled grimly, "We can fix it later, we have something else to do first." She threw a bag on the floor and large shovels toppled out. She grabbed one and began walking into the clutter of trees, far away from the bloodstained sand.

I grabbed one too, following her and digging a matching grave next to the one she was digging. We carefully lowered the bodies into the graves, said a prayer, and then covered them in the dirt.

Beckendorf, Silena, Michael, Castor, Miranda and about four hunters that I had never met before.

All dead.

The last body was lowered into the grave, Jason and Leo shovelling dirt into the grave. A few rouge tears escaped down my face, but I forgave myself. Big girls don't cry, but warriors did.

I followed the sorrowful marching of the crews back into the beach. It felt disgusting to walk on the shore, I could guarantee this would never be a place that I would revisit. Percy and Thalia stopped. He held out his hand and Thalia grasped it firmly.

"Until we meet again barnacles." She laughed, the sadness still in her voice.

"Hopefully not to soon Pine cone face." He laughed back, a hollow fake laugh. But still a laugh.

We bid our goodbyes to the Hunters before trudging through the blood rippled ocean. I heaved myself up the rope and onto the deck.

"Meeting room now. We have things to discuss." Percy ordered before disappearing, probably to see Annabeth. I sighed and headed down to the meeting room.


"Casualties?" Percy asked,

Jason spoke up, Five from our side dead, however, we have injuries that will need to be treated."

"Will can you take it, or do we need to go to an island doctor."

Will shrugged, "I don't think so, Its mainly cuts and gashes, but I can set Pollux's arm in a jiffy." 

He nodded, "Annabeth can you tell us what happened, I'm still really confused."

Annabeth was sitting next Malcolm, wrapped in a large fluffy blanket, dark bags prominent underneath her eyes.

"I woke up in a cell. The first thing they made me do was to hold up the sky, Atlas changed his form so I took it from him in a heartbeat. I held it for maybe a day, day and a half." She twirled a grey strand of hair around her finger, "Then I was back in the cell. I wasn't given any medical treatment so I was pretty roughed up. Then I was taken out again. Lu-Kronos told me to pick an item, I grabbed the string. That ended up being a pretty good decision since they sent me into the Labyrinth. Got Kronos's scythe and then cut off the Minotaur's head. After I had gotten out it turned out to be over a week, I think they said. Then I got injected with the poison and all of a sudden I was drowning under the water. I saw everyone fighting and figured I had to join in." She explained.

"But if you were injected with poison, then you should be dead," Malcolm stated.

Annabeth shrugged, "I guess they were given a temporary poison, something that would knock me out long enough for the war to begin."

The room went silent, "So what now?" Someone asked.

"I'm not too sure. The sooner we get out of here the better, but I don't have the energy to and I don't think anyone else does so we'll leave first thing in the morning." Percy offered, earning everyone's agreement.

"Alright then, everyone get some sleep and see Will if you need to get patched up. Meeting adjourned."



Oh god, the end is looming closer. I'm thinking two or three more chapters, BUT DON'T WORRY! If you loved my story then follow me to be alerted when my next fan fiction comes out, The first couple of chapters with be up soon after this is published. They aren't Percy Jackson, but they will be interesting.

VOTE AND COMMENT you know if you want.

See you in the next chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

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