Chapter Fourteen

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" A raid?"

" A raid," Percy confirmed.

" What are we doing?" I inquired.

" Well, we are running low on supplies so since we are so close to a very rich Lords house we're gonna just pop in, take his stuff and then leave," he explained casually.

My eyes bulged, " What??"

" Eh don't worry, he's been scamming people in the local village. Ripping them off taxes and stuff. We don't steal without reason Wise Girl." He rolled his eyes.

I poked my tongue out and started walking up to the top deck. The entire crew was there, excluding Percy who was still climbing up. I slid in between Piper and Hazel. I could tell that Frank or Jason hadn't mentioned anything to either of them yet so I stayed quiet.

" Are you guys excited?" Piper whispered happily.

Hazel nodded unsurely, " I am, but I don't really want to kill anyone."

" We won't kill anyone Hazel, only maim or seriously injure." I joked.

On the horizon I could see the faint outline of an island or the mainland, I couldn't really tell from this distance. I had no idea how this was going to go. The castle had only been raided once and it was while we were out visiting one of my Father's friends. It was a total fail, they didn't manage to get through the castle gates. I was with Hazel however, I didn't want to kill anyone. Murdering someone was huge, and I doubt I could live with the grief. Unless they really really deserved it. Maybe then I could be a little lenient.

Percy finally made it up the stairs and moved so he was facing everyone. " Alright, today we're raiding Lord Ugliano. Convicted of being an arsehole. As usual no killing, that's our main rule. Ugliano will most likely be home playing his new addiction, a game called poker. He will have friends over but from what we know they really aren't a problem." Percy shouted authoritatively, pacing. " Alright, Chase, Beckendorf, and Travis. You're on food, Will will give you a list of the basic necessities after you have that just grab as much as you can. Connor and Leo, have a look around and take anything that may be valuable, I need you to be quick so you can run that stuff down to the local pawn, get some money for it and then take it down to the town hall, Seriously this guy has been taking way to many taxes. Leo take anything you may need to fix the ship in case of casualties. Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Jason and I will be splitting up in order to find money so we can buy anything we may need at our next stop. Does everyone know what they're doing?" His voice echoed over the entire boat.

" Yes, Captain." Everyone replied, hiding their excitement with bored tones. 

Jason, Percy and Frank walked over, " We need to discuss something privately." Percy whispered. We walked over to the other side of the deck, away from the chatting crewmates.

" Alright, Ugliano has three separate vaults so we will split up into pairs. Since it's your first raid, you ladies will be partnered up with one of us to make things easier. Hazel you'll be with Frank and Piper with Jason, Leaving Annabeth with me. We need as much gold as possible but Frank and Hazel, whatever you collect also needs to go to the town hall." Percy explained. We all nodded our heads in agreement.

Hazel, Piper, Jason and Frank walked off leaving me behind with Percy.

" Playing Matchmaker are you?" I smirked, nudging him with my elbow.

" Nah I'm just pushing them in the right direction that's all." He laughed.

" They would be adorable together," I admitted.

Percy nodded, " You know who else would look kinda cute together."

I felt my heart rate increase, " Who?"

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