Chapter Ten

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Percy's POV ( haven't had one of these in a while oof lets go )

Thalia begrudgingly walked over the plank back to the Argo 2. She looked at Annabeth and extended her hand,

" Good job Blondie, if you ever get sick of these boys let me know," I felt my stomach churn. For some reason, I really hoped Annabeth turned her down.

She smiled, " Nah I kinda like it here, thanks for the offer though." She shook Thalia's hand and a wave of happiness came over me.

Thalia let go and turned to me, " I've actually got something I need to discuss with you Kelp Head, could we head into your office?" Her voice was extremely serious and I felt the smile drop from my face. I nodded curtly and started walking towards my office.

I sat down in my office chair and Thalia pulled out the chair opposite me.

" What's going on?" I was curious, Thalia almost never acted like this.

"It's about Kronos's army." She hesitated, " We were collecting Juliet from Amnisos and there were a couple of people preaching about how the Titans were better blah blah blah, I didn't take to much notice until I overheard their conversation, They are gaining numbers extremely fast!  And their so-called leader, the one that has been telling people he's the reincarnation of Kronos himself  Has returned! Who by the way, we still don't know his indentit! I think this is turning into a way bigger problem then we thought." She stressed urgently. I sat in my chair, this is what we had feared.

They called themselves Kronos's army, A group of people dedicated to proving who were better leaders. They didn't become a problem until they started attacking people because of what they thought was right. They've been travelling from place to place, trying to gather new recruits on a boat called The Princess Andromeda, thankfully we had never encountered them, but I knew that we would, eventually.

" What do you think we should do?" Thalia whispered so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.

I took a deep breath, " For now we leave them, but I suggest a little extra training. If we ever come across them, try to avoid them but if we must we'll try to get some answers. Have you seen Reyna and her gang lately?" I asked.

" No."

" Alright, We'll need to mention this to her the next time we see The Romans, they have a right to know as well," I stated.

She stared at me, " Anything else?"

I nodded, " We tell no one of this. We can't risk that, if you must try to limit it to one or two people, preferably, ones that can keep a secret."

She nodded in agreement and we shook hands, sealing the deal. She didn't say anything else but walked straight out of my office. I ran a hand through my hair nervously. My crew's safety always came first but in situations like these? Sometimes I doubt that I can protect them and myself at the same time. A took a deep breath and followed Thalia outside.

Maybe it would all sort itself out. And if it didn't then We better hope that we have the gods luck on our side.


"Which way are you heading?" Thalia questioned,

" We are heading North and then going west, how about you?" I replied.

" North and then east." She said, I nodded in return. 

Thalia walked over to Jason and gave him another hug. She whispered something in his ear but I couldn't hear it. He nodded and stepped back. Thalia gave me a mock salute before running back over the plank. Her hunters tugged on it, bring it back over to their ship. It didn't take long for our ship to start moving again, Leo already at the steering wheel. The sea had become more rough, the waves crashing against the boat which caused it too rock. It wasnt too bad but it was enough to make the steering a little difficult. The Artemis had started moving as well, keeping in line with us. I could see all the hunters working diligently, some firing arrows onto targets and some doing labour around the ships. I was tempted to go into my office, maybe work on some plans but I knew I had to get something sorted.

" Malcolm! my office now please!" I called him over and walked into my office, holding the door open for him.

" Whats up captain?" He asked casually.

" Take a seat," I pointed to the chair, " I need to know what Annabeth's, Piper's and Hazel's strengths are so I can give them a role on the ship."

Everyone had roles. Beckendorf was Head of weaponary, Will was our doctor, Travis and Connor were gunners, Frank was Third mate, Jason was second mate, I was captain, Leo was the carpenter and Malcolm was the cook.

He thought for a moment, " Piper is extremeley persuasive. If she wanted something done it would happen. One time she managed to persuade me that riding my horse into the ocean was a great idea! My horse is- was terrified of water."

I nodded and wrote down Negotiator next to her name. " What about Hazel."

" She's fantasic under pressure, she may not look like it but she's a great leader and a better warrior." He answered immedietly. I nodded again and wrote down Boatswain.

" And Annabeth?" This one I was curious about.

" Annie is-" He paused, " Annabeth is a lot of different things. She wanted to be an architect and if I hadn't left she would have found a way to make it happen. But she does battle strategy as well, in fact she can be credited with a lot of the plans that the council settled on. Of course Mother never knew, but she would tell father and he would present the idea, not telling anyone she came up with it." He explained. I nodded.

Head of Strategy.

" Thank you Chase, you're free to-"


I was interupted by Annabeth rushing through my door,

" I'm not sure whats happening but they found someone stranded on a rock about 100 meters away! jason told me to come get you!"

I didn't reply and left the room as soon as possible, she was right. My entire crew were in a frenzy, I looked over at the usually composed hunters to find that their reactions were very similar. I locked eyes with Thalia, there was a type of fear in her eyes that were indescribable. I walked to the front of the ship to see who it was. I looked over and my blood went cold.

His body was sprayed out among the rocks. His blond hair was rustled and his clothes were shredded. His body was littered with cuts and I knew that if  his eyes were open, his usual blue irises would be lifeless.

The only people who looked confused was Hazel and Annabeth. I knew from Piper's expression that she knew who this was, though it would probably be under different circumstances.

Lying on those rocks was someone I never thought I would see again. Someone who should be dead.

It was Luke Castellan.

The previous captain of The Argo 2.



And the plot thickens ;) Did anyone see that coming? I hope not because that would mean my plot is wayyyy to preedictable ( i mean like before i started describing him lol ) Anyway this is sort of a milestone chapter! Its the beginning of the plot and the tenth chapter! whooo. Anyway thats all I have to say so i'm gonna cut this off here.

VOTE AND COMMENT you know if you want.

See you in the next chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

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