Chapter Twelve

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The 'oh so familiar' plank crashed down onto our boat. A tall, pale, skinny man walked across. His white-blonde hair was spiked up and his face was held high. He pulled out a long scroll and started reading,

" Captain Percy Jackson of the Argo 2 my name is Octavian and I am Second mate on board of The Fifth Legion." He said that phrase particularly more snobby then the rest, " We require your presences to discuss a matter of the most-"

" Oh shut up Octavian, let the Captain speak."

A tall dark woman pushed herself in front of a very startled Octavian. Her long back hair was pulled to the side in a loose braid, her aura screamed dominance.

" Lovely to see you to Reyna," Percy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Her dark orbs narrowed, " Your office now, no crew members permitted. Like Octavian said, we have a urgent matter."

She stepped off the plank and immediately started walking towards Percy's office, not even waiting for a reply. He let out an annoyed sigh and followed her to his office.

" Do we encounter other ships frequently?" I whispered to Leo,

" Nah, not really. But there's things going on that Captain said I wasn't allowed to say so everyone's on edge." Leo explained.

I nodded and followed most of the crew downstairs into the living area.

" Excuse me Greeks! I have something to tell you!" Octavian shouted, running across our deck.

Jason sighed, " What Octavian."

He put his hands in front of him and closed his eyes, " I'm having a vision!"

" Shove a sock in it Roman!" Travis taunted.

He continued to babble on about our disrespect but no one seemed to care and just continued walking down to the living area.

Luke seemingly had beat us to it. He had sprawled out over the couches and was picking his nails.

" So what group of scallywags decided to board the ship?" He asked boredly.

" Just the Romans, I wouldn't worry about it." Beckendorf shrugged.

Luke's head picked up, staring at Beckendorf. His face was neutral but his eyes gave away what he was feeling.


Percy's POV

Reyna was a great girl, really she was! But she was also disrespectful.

" Please get out of my chair Reyna,"

She was currently sitting in my chair, in my office.

" Absolutely not, But I need to discuss something with you, it's about Kronos's army." She stated.

I rolled my eyes, " I already know most of it, Thalia informed me about five hours ago."

" Well I have something else. They have been branching out to Rome as well. We were doing business over there and We have managed to figure out who Kronos's Descendant is." Reyna explained.

I leaned forward urgently, " Who is it, did you catch him?"

She shook her head, " We weren't able to catch him, however we did figure out his identity.

" Tell me who it is!" I almost screamed at her.

" Luke Castellan." She shrugged her shoulders.

My heart stopped, " Luke Castellan?"

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