Chapter Eighteen

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The first thing  I thought when I woke up was groggy. My eyes were blurred and my head hurt. The second thing I realised was how dark it was. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear water dripping down the cold walls of the cell, at least, I hoped it was water. I could hear something scurrying around me, but there was no light for me to even try and get my eyes adjusted.

What on earth had happened?

All of the memories came rushing back. How helpless I was. I tried to get my bearing of the room so I could try and find a way to escape. I ran my fingers lightly over the walls, careful not to cut myself on stray metals or nails

It was a small cell, the walls were slimy and wearing away. However there were metal bars. I smashed my fist against one of them, a loud CLANG echoed through the room. I banged it again and got the same result. 

I needed someway to get someones attention.

I banged it over and over again, " SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed.

I paused, I couldn't hear any commotion from upstairs. So I did it again, screaming and banging on the metal bars, hoping and praying someone would hear me. I heard a thud, I wasn't sure what it was. I held my breath, and the cell was suddenly filled with a light.

"What do you want prisoner?" A gruff voice asked me.

" I want you to LET ME OUT OF HERE" I screamed, using every muscle in my body to slam against the bars. He banged his fist against the bars.

"Shut up prisoner, someone will be down soon to explain to you whats going to happen." He snarled before blowing out the candle and walking upstairs.

Once Again I was left in the endless dark.


I was lying in the corner of the cell, trying to think of a way to escape when the light flicked on. My head snapped upwards and my grey eyes met with the golden ones of my kidnapper.

But something wasn't right.

He was familiar.

And then it hit me.

Like Castellan.

But it wasn't him,

Everything was the same, his blonde hair, his telltale scar. Everything was the same except his eyes.

No longer were they the piercing blue, but a shiny gold. It made him look different, if I had thought that he looked scary before then I was definitely wrong. I wanted to crawl back further into the corner, even though my entire body was pushed against the wall.

He leaned against the bars, " Evening Annabeth."

Even his voice was different, it was lower, more sadistic, more inhuman.

"Why am I here?" I whispered, my voice was weak and quiet.

He chuckled, "Please darling, I saw you go visit Rachael and I know she told you the prophecy. And ever since you left her little rabbit hole those gears in your head have not stop turning."

"Then why does it matter to you?" I rasped.

"Because I know exactly what that prophecy entails. It mention three royals. Princess Piper, Princess Hazel and weak, little Princess Annabeth." Luke laughed. "War is inevitable, and I refuse to lose." He drawled.

I was tired, dehydrated and starving. But I was not weak. I pulled myself off the mouldy floor and walked to the bars where he was leaning.

"I am not weak and I am not I significant, and when this war comes around you will see just how powerful I can be." I panted, "Now stop dancing around the Bush and tell me why I'm here." I snarled.

He smiled sadistically, "Your here to complete your part of the prophecy. And after that? Then we'll kill you."

My face paled. Death. I hated thinking about it. A painful reminder that nothing was permanent. A line in the prophecy had said that that many would Perish, but I'd never considered myself being one of them. The thought of leaving everyone behind. Piper, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Frank, Malcom.


If I died here would he care? That was a stupid question. Yet I couldn't help it, I hadn't been in his crew nearly as long as some people. Would he be affected at all?

"You can lock me up, you can starve me, you can throw me to the wolves. You could even kill someone right in front of me. But I will not accept death. I will not die here, do you understand that Luke?"

He stared at me. As if he had been expecting some other reaction.

"We'll see about that Annabeth Chase, we will see." His voice was threatening but I wouldn't let that affect me.

"Ethan, take her up, you know where to take her." Luke said to who I guessed was Ethan, before walking back upstairs.

I looked over Ethan, small, scrawny, he wouldn't be hard to take down. His greasy, black hair was floppy and one of his eyes were covered by a leather eye patch.

"Arms out." He tried to sound intimidating but I could see right through that. My arms stayed at my side.

" Arms out prisoner." He growled.

I smirked, "No."

He growled again and his hands reached through the bars and I stepped back.

"Look you're going to get hurt no matter what, but if you don't cooperate then your going to get tortured and so will I, please just put your arms out." His voice turned desperate.

"Didn't you realise what you were signing up for when you joined him, his army?" I asked softly.

"I just thought it was for revenge, the Gods took everything away from me, I didn't realise how serious it was." Tears began to well in his eyes.

"Do you regret it?"

"I wanted out as soon as they told me to sacrifice something. I regretted everything as soon as they cut out my eye."

He flipped up his eye patch, showing me the red, gaping eye socket where his eye used to be.



So when I first started writing this I actually hated it but I kept going and just hoped it would sort itself out, it did and I'm super proud.

So the next couple of chapters will be switching between Percys and Annabeths POV, so you will find out what happens to Annabeth next in chapter 20, but don't worry chapter 19 will still be interesting enough.

VOTE AND COMMENT you know if you want.

See you in the next chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

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