Chapter Twenty Five

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"So, Hazel and Frank have been over at the island for a day and a half," Percy started, "Beck Travis and Connor contacted me to say that they have completed everything and will be back today. However, they didn't specify how many people are on board."

"Any news on Annabeth?" Malcolm asked hopefully,

Percy shook his head, "Kronos has said nothing, nor have we been contacted. I think he realises that the war will begin any day now. We will start travelling once Hazel and Frank return so I can complete my part of the prophecy."

Malcolm slumped back in his chair.

"Captain are we in any way prepared for this?" I spoke up.

"Well no. Not really," Percy admitted, causing me to take a sharp intake of air, "But we have weapons and soon, more manpower." He turned to Jason, "Were we successful in contacting the Romans and Hunters?"

"All the hunters have agreed to help, All the Romans will be taking part except Octavian, who said that there wasn't really a need for war since there was no problem," Jason answered.

"Well see there we go! Much more manpower. And the distinct lack of Octavian isn't really a loss, so I'll count that as a win." Percy shrugged.

He didn't seem nervous, everything was so casual. From the way he held himself and how he was talking, was he nervous at all? Before I could ask him loud voices came shouting from outside.

We rushed outside to see Beckendorf, Travis and Connor heaving themselves up, in a small wooden boat. They were accompanied by a group of six other people. One was sitting in Beckendorf's lap, nestling herself as close as possible, Her long black hair tumbled down to her mid back.

I recognised two as twins, one slightly taller than the other. Each with floppy blond hair and bright violet eyes. Both boys immediately ran over to Connor and Travis.

Another two were siblings, one was clearly older but they held many features that were the same. The one girl had long dirt-brown hair while the other had her's cut to her shoulder.

Another boy, he was extremely short. His brown hair was closely cut and his brown eyes were hard. 

The final girl was the scariest out of them all, her light brown hair was tied back by a red bandanna, her huge muscles bulged out from underneath her shirt and had a long spear attached to her back. She walked right up to Percy,

"Prissy," She grunted.

"Clarisse," He replied, "I didn't think you would come,"

"You know I wouldn't miss out on war, besides I don't want to miss out on seeing the last bit of life leave your body when you get stabbed." She smirked.

"What a ray of sunshine you are Clarisse," He rolled his eyes sarcastically, "In all seriousness, are you sure you're ok to fight?"

"Of course I am Prissy, If I wasn't I wouldn't have said yes." She punched his shoulder.

"Its good to see you haven't died at least," Percy exclaimed.

Clarisse rolled her eyes, "Whatever Prissy. Shout if you need me."

She then left, heading downstairs, most likely to deposit her bags. I walked over to Jason,

"Who are these people?" I whispered.

He pulled me into his arms, "All ex-crew members, They left after the battle where we lost Luke. They all left for personal reasons, well except Clarisse, but I'll tell you about that in a second. The girl with Beckendorf? That's Silena, her dad's some wealthy duke or something. It was around that time that she got dragged home, ended up refusing every proposal and scared away every single suitor since she had fallen in love with Beckendorf."

He pointed to the two twins, "That's Castor and Pollux, they left because their mum got sick, too sick to take care of herself. They left to take her of her."

Then the two brown haired girls, "That's Katie and Miranda. They couldn't go on after the battle, being on the ship brought back memories they wanted to forget so they left."

He then moved on to the sad looking, brown haired boy. "That's Michael. He lost his memory, all he could remember was his name and who he was. Every memory from his childhood disappeared. He left to go and try to find his family."

My heart squeezed in pain for Michael. I couldn't imagine losing everything. Forgetting my family, my friends, every thing that had happened to me in my life in a sudden and then being left with a blank canvas filled with only my name lingering in my mind.

"And finally, Clarisse." I looked over to the large, burly girl. "She left because she didn't want Percy to be captain, she thought he was way to young and thought she could do a better job. They did a vote and he came out on top. They had a fight and he came out on top. Eventually she said that she was leaving and we haven't heard from her since." Jason shrugged.

"Do you think that something like that will happen again?" I asked.

Jason hesitated, "I think that everyone who came will go back home. We could also lose current crew members, Captain always gives the option for people to leave. Especially if they have been injured. Even if he doesn't want you to leave he's always going to let you."

Clarisse walked over to Percy. "Prissy," She grunted.

Percy smirked, "Lovely to see you too Clarisse, any reason you decided to come back?"

"You needed a warrior, And I needed to get back out on the ocean. Its a win-win." She replied.

"Well regardless of your reasoning I'm glad you decided to come back. This was is bigger then what we originally thought, and we need as much manpower as possible." Percy explained grimly.

"So whats actually happening? No one told us. They just said, War is happening. We need recruits." Clarisse asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, You remember Kronos's Army. They have became way bigger and are beginning to pose a threat. It turns out that Luke is Kronos's Descendant. They've begun recruiting and have already begun killing off innocent people. We talked to Rachael and we got a prophecy. We just need to be prepared for war." Explained Percy, catching everyone's attention.

"Well I suppose it's a good thing I said yes." Clarisse grumbled.

"Look I believe in us," Percy said, trying to raise morale. "We can win this. If we don't Greece will be taken over by a bunch of narcissistic arseholes."

"How inspirational. I'm going to put my stuff away and do some training." Clarisse grunted, moving away.

"Well I suppose I can't use the training room then." I mumbled, Jason chuckled.

I watched Clarisse walk down, and a glimmer of hope ran through me. Maybe, just maybe we could do this.

And I would try my dam best to make sure that we win.



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