Chapter Five

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Percy Jackson. The name suited him.

" I'm not too sure how to approach this, returning you could get us killed and keeping you longer would get us killed if we were found. My crews safety is my priority, which I think I've mentioned. What would you recommend." He was extremely serious. His eyes not leaving mine.

" It's you decision whether you want to return us or not. Being royal has it's perks so if trouble arises we can get you and your crew out of anything. However you could get a lot of money for ransom." I suggested slowly.

" If your anything like your brother you would be a valuable asset, but my crew doesn't have any females on board. But It's up to you, just make your decision quickly." Percy said.

I thought about his offer. It would certainly solve almost all of my problems. But simply running away from my problems. I didn't reply, but just stood up and walked out, nodding politely to the captain. I could leave everything behind; my arranged marriage, my crown, my awful dysfunctional family. I could experience a sense of freedom that I would never have at the castle. But my mother had taught me that Duty was Duty. I wasn't sure if I could turn away from the one thing that my entire life had been leading up too.

Father has Bobby and Matthew. When the time came they would be able to take over the thrown, I knew that's what the step monster wanted. This Luke Castellan. No doubt he was being forced into this as well. I wouldn't have to marry a stranger I had never met.

Piper and Hazel. I would never see them again, while I'm sure the option of staying is also extended to them, I doubt they would choose to spend the majority of their life on a boat. Neither of them were supposed to take the thrown. They each had an older sibling that had been trained since birth too take over the thrown, that was the one thing we never had in common.

I went back down to the dirty room. Malcolm had gone but I could here Piper and Hazel's chatter from the other room. Usually I would join them, but my mind was swirling with a hundred different possibilities.

I looked through the window, Land was far away but I could still faintly see it on the horizon. My home. While leaving could be hard, I knew what I needed to do. It was time to listen to heart and not my parents.


Pipers POV

I didn't know where Annabeth had gone, Hazel had opened my door a couple of minutes ago and now both of us were sitting on my bed.

" Do you think Annabeth is ok?" Hazel whispered, " I heard that Frank guy telling her the captain wanted to see her."

" Of course Annabeth would be ok, if the captain tried anything he'd probably get judo-flipped or something." I chuckled, trying to keep positive.

Hazel and I continued talking in hushed whispers, trying to keep quiet just in case someone was outside.

I looked outside the window, the ocean was clear. I loved it. There was a sense of freedom which was something that I was relishing in. I had never been granted freedom in Macedonia, with my older sister Drew breathing down my neck and my parents constantly busy I never had the opportunity to do anything, no matter how hard I tried. But as I looked out to the water I saw opportunity.

" Hazel I want to join the crew. I don't have anything back home for me and I know Mum and Dad are planning to marry me off to this guy names Ethan Nakamura." I said.

Hazel looked at me, " Hazel you need to understand, Macedonia has been getting harder and harder to survive in. I feel like there are shackles around my wrists. This is where I need to go."

" Would you mind if I stayed as well?" She said quietly.

My face softened, " Has the Nico problem gotten worse?" 

" I don't feel like Hazel, I feel like Bianca's replacement. Your right, we could leave our responsibilities behind us." She said tearing up a little.

" So that's it? We're going to ask the captain to stay?"

She nodded in agreement. " What about Annabeth? She'll never want to stay, she has too take over the thrown and you know how she is with responsibility. It's how she lives her life." I exclaimed.

" Its her decision, after all, once her mind has been set there's no way in tartarus we can change it." Hazel laughed

I laughed along with her, hoping that we could somehow convince our final friend to stay.


Percy's POV

Blue was my favourite colour. You could tell because almost everything I owned was blue. I thought back to the royals that were currently residing in my downstairs visitor rooms.

Annabeth Chase.

It almost scared me how similar she and Malcolm looked. Down to their blonde hair and grey eyes, however I could tell which of the two held more power. As I walked down the deck to see what all the commotion was about I felt scared as soon as I locked eyes with her. Clearly she was strong, being able to make it back to the mainland without getting caught by my crew. I could tell that her friends all held some sort of power, which I knew would make them fantastic and valuable members.

And thats the only reason I offered for her to join my crew.

Suddenly my office door burst open and Annabeth stormed in, looking as calm and collected as ever, but still holding an aura of anger and power. She didn't bother too sit down but came right up to my desk.

" I'm interested in joining your crew, but only if Piper and Hazel can as well." She slammed her hand down on my desk, whatever point she was trying to make, it was definitley working.

I looked at her, I could see the determination in her eyes. I smirked.

" Welcome to the crew Annabeth Chase."



So some more Percy? Which is Great? Good job me? Oof.

I understand that Percy isn't as goofy? But I wanted to portray him a little more serious but dont worry, the percy you know will appear :)

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