Chapter Nineteen

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I had made it through the market place crowds, but something felt off. I was now at the dock, but where was Annabeth? I felt my heart begin to race, where was she? How far back were we separated? I told myself to calm down, If we got separated we agreed to meet back at the ship, so she was either already there or would be there soon.

I clambered up the ladder. The rest of my crew was already there, there was tension in the air. Jason saw me and rushed over,

"Captain please tell me you have Annabeth." He pleaded.

"No, we got separated in the market place, but we agreed that we would meet here if we got lost. If she's not here already she won't be too long." I replied, confused.

I looked over my crew, Piper was hugging Hazel, tears were streaming down her face. Leo looked stressed, his face was hard and seemed more on edge.

"What's going on?" I ordered.


Malcolm came charging at me, his eyes were red and his face was wet. Jason wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him back from me. Frank rushed over and held him back as well. I watched him sink to the ground.

"My little sister, she won't make it, she's going to die, they're going to kill my baby sister." He chanted, a fresh set of tears erupting from his eyes.

Frank pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. " Will found it when he got back, as soon as Jason and Piper arrived back he gave it to them, We figured she would be safe with you and going looking when you hadn't even arrived yet seemed pointless." He said grimly.

I unfolded the paper, Malcolm still chanting at my feet, Jason was holding Piper and Hazel had wrapped herself in Frank's arms.

Rachael said a royal would take on the curse of old. Let's see how Princess Annie copes with the pressure.

Know you won't be getting her back.

Prepare for the worst Captain, Maybe we will bring her lifeless body to the battle of ages. Maybe a reminder to what happens to those who cross us.

My blood turned cold and I immediately felt sick.

"Everyone in the meeting room now. Will take Malcolm to the infirmary and meet us downstairs as quickly as possible."

I walked off to my office, trying to understand what had happened. And most Importantly, how I could try and fix it.


I opened the door and the whispers hushed. I sat down at the top of the table.

"As expected Rachael did have a prophecy for us. However, I'm not sure if it's good or bad." I started. "The prophecy has no real ending, it's either we win or lose. We just don't know which." I said grimly.

"What did the prophecy entail?" Jason asked seriously.

"It said that many would Perish, I would guess that's from both sides. It said the captain would take us to the Aegean Sea, I'm guessing that's where the war will take place. However, the first line is what we need to be concerned about right now." I started. " It said one royal will take on the curse of old, clearly they thought that meant Annabeth. One would talk the Titan to sleep and another will find the archers of myth. I'm guessing this is about Hazel and Piper." I explained.

"How do you know which of us is doing which?" Piper asked curiously.

I hesitated, " there's something about this ship you don't know. Every crew member has been gifted by a certain God, usually, it ties in with your personality or lifestyle. We refer to this as being children of that God. I know you might not understand but I swear it's true."

Hazel rolled her eyes, " it's honestly not that big of a surprise, we always knew something was fishy about this ship. But how is that going to help?"

"Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite. Something that a child of  Aphrodite may possess is charmspeak. It's something I believe you possess. So Piper would talk the Titan to sleep, whatever that means and Hazel, as a daughter of Hades will find the archers of myth." I said, trying to be as clear as possible.

"Who could the twin archers be?" Frank inquired.

"My guess? Artemis and Apollo, the oldest archers in existence."

"It's impossible Perce, the Gods don't come to earth, you know this," Leo stressed.

" of course it's impossible Leo. So impossible that it might just work." I smiled, " Ortigia is extremely close to here. I say we give it a shot, what do we have to lose?" I persuaded.

Leo shrugged and nodded, leaning back on his chair.

" So let me get this right. Everyone here has been blessed by the Gods. There's going to be a war and we might just have to save the world." Piper asked, her face showed her determination.

"That's basically it." I agreed.

She leaned back and smiled, "Wicked."

"What about Annabeth? We can't just leave her to die," Jason brought up.

The room turned grim once more, " We don't know where she is, Kronos's army could have taken her to Rome for all we know. I don't think there is anything that we can do other than pray to the Gods for her safety." My voice cracked.

The door opened and Malcolm stumbled in, " She won't die."

He pulled out a chair and slumped down. " Annabeth won't let them kill her, when we go to battle she will be standing right beside us, dagger in one hand and a shield in the other. Trust me to captain no matter what they do she'll make it out alive and then murder every single one of them."

He leaned forward "And we will be right beside her as she does it."



So this chapter is.... meh. It was more of a filler to kinds set the tone or whatever but just ended up being a little bit bad.

Would anyone be interested in reading a Jily and Marichat fanfic written by me? Just curious lol.

VOTE AND COMMENT you know if you want.

See you in the next chapter!

See you in the next chapter!

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