Chapter 41: Training P.2

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Left. Right. Above. Hook. None of Percy's attacks hit. He tried front-flip kicks, Scythe kicks, he tried every move he knew, the dummy just seemed to tell the future.

He kicked at the dummies left, the dummy moved to the right. He kicked at the dummies right, the dummy moved to the left. He did a scything kick, the dummy rolled back. He did a hook kick, the Dummy side-stepped.

"Percy, come over here," Perseus said suddenly, did Percy do something wrong.

"I see you're trying your hardest, let me teach you a bit," Perseus said.

"Teach me?" Percy asked. Perseus nodded.

"Follow me."

Percy followed Perseus to a spot in the woods, the area was big, if not big, huge.

"Attack me," Perseus said.


"I said, Attack me."

Percy ran at Perseus. He sent a punch at Perseus's head. Perseus dodged and attempted to punch Percy's head. Percy ducked, jumped, and spun in the air, he brought down a Scythe kick. Perseus raised his hand and blocked the kick. Perseus held the leg Percy last kicked with.

Perseus pulled the leg and Percy was shot towards Perseus. Perseus flung Percy into the air, and when Percy came back down, Perseus flipped and kicked Percy's face which sent Percy flying into a tree.

Percy got back up, he wiped the blood coming out of his mouth. Perseus ran at Percy, he ran so fast Percy could barely see him. Percy was waiting to get hit, but he didnt. He looked around him and saw a type of blur, it kept on circling him, was Perseus this fast?

The blur stopped far in front of him. Perseus looked like he was ready to perform a trick. He bolted after Percy, but when he was a few steps ahead of Percy, Perseus disappeared. Percy looked around, he couldn't find him. Out of nowhere, Perseus appeared in front of Percy.

     As if in slow motion, Perseus places both hands on the ground behind him. He pushed up and kicked Percy in the skull. Percy was sent straight into the air. Perseus jumped into the air and was positioned right behind Percy.

     Perseus grabbed into Percy's shoulders and kneed his back. Percy bit his tongue to keep him from screaming. Perseus let go as they started to descend.

     Seconds before they touched the ground, Perseus pushed Percy's legs causing him to be in a laying down position. Before they hit the ground, Perseus circled once and threw a Scythe kick at Percy's stomach and slammed his body against the ground.

     There was an impact and Perseus was sent back. When the dust cleared Percy was in a crater. A few meters away was Perseus, who had suffered from the impact, but not as much as Percy.

     Perseus struggled up, clasping onto his right shoulder, the shoulder he landed on. He looked at Percy, who had cuts and bruises all over him, he thought he won, but Percy wasn't about to give up yet.

     Percy dragged himself out of the crater, he got in one knee, then in his feet. He looked like he was standing up by force, his eyes seemed lifeless, that was exactly what the move Perseus performed does in the first few hours.

     Percy was about to fall back down, but he got the power to stay up. He got into his battle stance and waited for Perseus to attack.

"Percy, give up," Perseus said. Percy shakes his head.

     Perseus was surprised, after that move no one was supposed to even move. Even though he barely got hit by Percy, this was one of his strongest opponents ever.

     Percy ran at Perseus. Percy kicked at Perseus's right, Perseus blocked and palmed Percy in the chest. Percy stumbles back but continued to attack. Perseus tried to punch Percy. Percy blocked with his hand and punched Perseus's gut with his free hand. 

     Perseus clutched his guts and bent over. Percy took that as an advantage. He kicked at Perseus's head, expecting Perseus to block. Perseus fell for the plan and blocked with one of his hands while the other was still on his stomach. With Percy's free leg he spun in the air and kicked Perseus's face while Percy's other leg was still being held. 

     Perseus let go of Percy's leg and stepped back. He looked at Percy and ran at him. Perseus attempted to punch, Percy blocked.

     Perseus spun, his upper part of this body lowered while the lower part raised up. Perseus thrust his leg to Percy's chin, Percy flew a few inches above the ground, his technique he was about to use was dangerous for both users, it was forbidden in his class, but then again, he was teaching Percy.

     Perseus jumped, he thrust his leg into Percy's stomach, Percy was sent higher, and so was Perseus. He kicked again and again, each time both increased in height. While this was happening, Percy couldn't react.

     Perseus looked below him, they were high enough. He hooked his leg around Percy's neck and pulled. Percy came lower, and Perseus got higher than Percy.

     Perseus made sure Percy was looking towards the ground. Perseus wrapped his arms around Percy's, in a Cop way, and dived down.

     While they were diving, Perseus spun, causing them to look like a flying torpedo. They got closer and closer to the ground.


     They smashed against the ground causing a huge Crater. Perseus's eyes opened slowly and then closed again. He opened his eyes again to see Calypso in front of him.

"And How did this happen?" Calypso asked.

"Training," Perseus said.

     Calypso just ignored what he said. He helped him up and threw his arm over her shoulder. Perseus looked over to Percy, who was being helped by Artemis.

"Perseus. Why did you Perform the Forbidden move?" Calypso asked.

"In the hopes that Percy will remember it and if he is ever in trouble, he can use it". Said Perseus.

     Calypso nodded. She walked him to the infirmary, and so did Artemis to Percy. When he got on the infirmary bed, he watched as Percy was put into the bed next to him, and what surprised Perseus, was the Percy was still conscious.

     When everyone left, Percy looked over to Perseus.

"Are you ever going to teach me those moves?" Percy asked.

"Yes, I will."  Percy's fist bumped the air to that answer.

"OWW!!!" Percy screamed.


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