Chapter 13: The Campers Are Way To Bad

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I thought that the camp would at least be good with a sword, but they couldn't even hold a sword properly. The Hunters and I walked into the arena where all the campers were training. Then Chiron walked in after us. "Today the hunters will be teaching you", he said. "Why would we need their help, they are to weak", said one camper. "Then we will have a fight", suggested phoebe. The campers nodded. "Choose the best fighter you have", said another camper. I could hear some of the hunters behind me laugh. "Ok we will choose Alpha", said Artemis. I didn't know who Alpha even was. Then a voice came In my head. You'll be Alpha For now. The voice said. And I was sure that was Artemis. I stepped forward. "We choose Jason", said Another camper. A terrified Jason walked up. He didn't forget what I could do. "Destroy him", Atlanta whispered to me. I nodded to her. "I will be ref for this match", said Chiron. I got my swords out and so did Jason. "3, 2, 1 FIGHT", said Chiron. Me and Jason charged at the same time. He tried to cut my arm but I dodged and kicked his stomach. He got up quickly and charged again. He caught me off guard by slashing at my arm. A huge hash appeared and Ichor started spilling. It was now my turn to charge. I ran at him and started trying to disarm him. Then he made a mistake. He tried to cut my arm but I sidestepped and kicked his sword out of his hand. I kicked him to the ground with the sword pointed to his neck. "I Yield", he shouted. Once it was done some of the campers started to look at me in awe. AND THEY CALLED HIM THE BEST FIGHTER IN CAMP, THIS IS GOING TO BE EVEN HARDER. I walked back to the hunters and i got some high fives. Jason limped back to piper, who looked at me with a death glare. Then annabeth walked out. "Why should we listen to this guy, we dont even know who he is", she said. Some of the campers shouted in approval. "Ill fight him", kevin walked out behind annabeth. Nearly all the campers gasped. "Who brought him here", i shouted. "Annabeth stood in front of Kevin. "I Did", she said. Then my mind whent to work. There was a reason, WHY though. I used my powers to look into her mind. And i soon realized why. Since the beginning they were both on the enemies side. Even when annabeth and i fought kronos. She was on kronos' side. She knew kronos was going to loose. So she told me to kill him. And it made her look like the hero. And in the giant war she did the same. Kevin also always worked for kronos. I had to kill them both. "How about this, me against you 2 in a battle to death, any powers and weapons can be used", i said. Kevin and annabeth smirked. "We accept", they said. I walked back to the hunters. "WHY did you do that" said artemis. I explained about her working for kronos all that time along with kevin. All the hunters nodded.Before i went to fight Lucy ran up to me and i gave her a hug before saying bye. I walked into the zone where i was going to fight with them. "Why dont you take of your mask and have some fresh air before you die", said kevin. I knew exactly a way to put them of. I took of my mask. All the campers gasped. Kevin looked scared. Annabeth, she looked shocked. "Fight", shouted chiron. I ran at both of them with my swords. Annabeth attacked my right whil kevin attacked my left. I kicked annabeths leg and heard a crack. That was probably her leg. She fell down and i used that as a way to jump at kevin. I jumped on annabeths back and did a back flip and while i was upside down i used my left leg to slam down on kevins face, causing him to fall down. Then annabeth got up again. "You wouldnt hurt me ould you seaweed brain",she said. That name hurt, whenever someone called me that i nearly cried. "Im no longer 'seaweed brain'", i said. Her eyes widened. I hit her with the butt of my sword and she fell down, i picked her back up and held her hand in the air. showing the mark of kronos. "You are a failure", i said. I then jabbed my sword into her body. And she imidiatly died. I then turned to kevin, who was whimpering on the ground. "Drop your weapon we will have a hand to hand combat and we'll beat each other to death", i said. He stood up with a smirk. If he cant beat me in a sword fight then forget about him winning a hand to hand. He ran and i side stepped and sent a punch to his face. He fell down dead. Then posioden flashed in with tears in his eyes. "You killed him", he shouted. "So are you on kronos's side to. HE WORKED FRO KRONOS YOU PIECE OF MINATOUR DUNG", i shouted. He was shocked." Along with that athena spawn". "I agree with percy", came the voice of athena. Posioden looked at her. "But he killed your daughter", he said. "She was a traitor, she and kevin worked for kronos"she said. Then the 2 gods started screaming at each other. I turned and walked back to the hunters. They were all telling me good job and stuff like that. After a while the hunters and i walked into our cabin. They got changed and went to bed while i went for a walk in the woods. I sat and i heard a familiar voice. "Good job son" i turned around and saw my dad, Zeus. "Hi Father", i said. "How did you know they were on kronos's side", he asked. "You forgot father, im the god of demigods i know all their secrets", i said. H nodded. "I forgot", he said. Then i heard a horn blow. "Thats the war signal", he said."Go get all the hunters". I nodded i got up and ran to the hunters cabin. I ran in. "Sisters, war is here", i shouted. They all woke up, shocked. They got out of bed and put on their gear and got their bows and arrows out. But there was something in my mind, it was like my senses were trying to warn me. It kept on buzzing. "Are you ok Percy", came the voice of Thalia. I snapped out of my headache. "Yes", i said. I got both of my swords and put on my armor and ran outside. I saw lucy fighting a few monsters with Artemis. Together they were destroying every monster that came in their way. I saw atlanta and pheobe together. The rest of the hunters were either with a camper or with other hunters. I was the only one alone. But i saw over the horizon there were more and more monsters coming. I ran at a huge group of monsters and started killing them one by one. Then i heard a scream. I turned to my right and saw artemis on the ground, holding lucy to her chest. And i saw Kronos standing in front of them both, with his sword over his head. I ran, and i knew i couldnt get there in time So i did the logical thing. I leaped infront of the sword.


I was expecting to die. But i didnt feel a thing. I felt liquid spray all over me. I looked up and i cried. I saw percy in front of me with a sword through him. He took the sword out of his body and used it to cut kronos's head off. "Percy", lucy whispered. Percy turned around and smiled. Then he shouted. "Everyone get behind me". Everyone was to scared not to listen. But lucy and i stayed in the same place. "Apollo", percy screamed. Apollo flashed in. Percy sent a fire to the monsters and walked to apollo and whispered something to him. I could see tears streaming down apollos face, but he nodded. He turned to us and raised his hand. And a force field appeared. And i saw percy explode in fire and all the monsters around him to. When the fire died down i saw percy fall down. Lucy and i ran to him, but it was to late.

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