Chapter 5: All The Gods Are Happy I'm A God........Except for 2

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Percy's P.O.V

     After I was made a god, Zeus said he would make me an Olympian, because I was too strong not to be. I didn't really think I was THAT strong but, if a god tells you you are then you are. 

"Son...I will have to vote on the choice but I have to call the rest of the gods", My father said. I nodded

     He threw his Master Bolt in the sky and when it came back down, lightning was heard. That was the sing of a meeting. I saw 1 by 1. All the gods were entering the council room. Then once all the gods were settled in, Dad spoke up; 

"Well, I have decided to make Perseus a god", he said. Some of the gods nodded.

 "And why have you called us", said Posioden, who was still clutching his head. 

"Well, I would want to vote on him being an Olympian", I said. Some of the gods gasped, but Posioden just looked angry

 "Why do we want THAT weakling to be a god" shouted Posioden. 

"Well, THAT weakling knocked you out with ease", retorted Athena. Instantly Posioden Shut up. And to be fair, he was really stupid and weak. 

"Lets vote", said Zeus. But before anyone could say, "Ok". 

"Perseus Jackson, God of Loyalty, Swordsmanship, betrayal, pain, and demigods, and the hunt.  Domains will be Friendship, air, and electricity. Sacred weapons are whirlpool and Destruction", said  Zeus.

     Then I could see Artemis look angry.

"I will not have a Male in my Camp", she screamed.

 "Well first he must swear on his oath", said Zeus. I nodded. 

"I, Perseus Jackson, Swear on Chaos. To never Flirt or kiss a hunter and protect them until i die".    

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