Chapter 40: Training P.1

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"You can't be Percy," Artemis said. 

"Because this is Percy." She said pointing at Percy. 

"Well, his name is Percy, my name is Per-se-us." The man said. 

"But his family name is Jackson, and so is yours," Lucy said. 

"His family name is?" Perseus asked. The hunters nodded.

"Well then, this must be a different dimension," Perseus said. 

"What do you mean?" Estelle asked. 

"Well, in my dimension, i have to face these monsters with the Parashikues," Perseus said. 

"The Pari-whats," asked Percy. 

"Parashikues, Albanian for Predictors," Perseus said. 

"And who are these people with you?" Lucy asked. 

"Well, Probably the same people with you, or people you know," Perseus said. 

"Like," Percy said, waiting for Perseus to continue. 

"Well, this is my wife, Calypso," Perseus said. 

"How did that happen?" Percy asked.

"Well, when i landed on her island. I decided to stay with her, we both found a way out, and when we did, we went around the world and started training," Perseus said. 

"And who is your Girlfriend," Perseus said like he knew they were a couple. 

"Artemis," Percy said. 

"What, how did you get a Maiden goddess on your side?" Perseus said Percy blushed. 

"Long story," Percy said. 

"Shorten it up then." 

"Well, i was betrayed by Camp, disowned,  adopted by Zeus, found out he was evil and ended up with my sisters," Percy replied. 

"Harsh, now when i came here, i realized you were having trouble, do you need help?" Perseus asked. 

     Percy looked at his hunters for confirmation, they all nodded. 

"Ok, we do need help." 

(Time Skip)

     Perseus took all the hunters and his friends to the arena. 

"OK, as you saw, all the monsters could tell what you were going to do," Perseus said everyone nodded. 

"The Parashikues and only see through magical weapons and moves, so the only way to win is to fight with your bare hands, once you attack with your hands, they can predict," Perseus said. 

     Percy looked at his hands as if he only realized his arm was broken.

"Do you want me to heal that for you?" Calypso asked. Percy nodded.

     Calypso grabbed his arm and her eyes turned shining emerald green. The arm Calypso was holding turned green for a second, and it went back to normal. When Calypso removed her hand, Percy's hand were back to normal. 

     Perseus snapped his fingers and practice dummies appeared in front of every Hunter. 

"You will only get a break when you break your dummy into half," Perseus said. 

     All the hunters, including Percy, had a smile on their face, this was going to be easy.

"Begin!" Perseus said. 

     All the hunters attacked, but the dummy just simply dodged the punch or kick. The hunters were a bit taken back, but they attacked again. Percy attempted to kick the head, but the dummy dodged, Percy flipped and brought down a scythe kick, but the dummy dodged that too. 

     Artemis was a goddess for over 50 million centuries or more, she learned nearly every fighting style, but she couldn't get one blow on the dummy. She attempted the right, the left, above, below, the dummy seemed to know her every move. Maybe the dummy could read their minds, what if Artemis shut off her mind completely. 

     She imagined nothing, she thought of nothing. She attacked, without the dummies eyes boring into hers, the dummy couldn't tell what she was thinking. She kicked at the dummies left, expecting the dummy to jump up, the dummy did. 

     Artemis brought in a hook kick, the dummy didnt see it coming. The dummy was hooked by Artemis's leg, causing the dummy to move forward, with her left leg, she brought in a Scythe kick to the dummies stomach, which made a huge impact. The dummy was shot to the ground, and the dummy exploded. 

"Good job," said Perseus. 

     The other hunters and Percy looked at her in amazement, she really was good at combat. 

"OK you guys, continue," Perseus said. 

     The rest continued, each trying to find out how to win the fight. 

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