Chapter 39: Predictions

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"Okay, we need to advance," Percy said.

"What's that head-band-thingy on the monster's heads?" Estelle asked.

Percy looked at the monsters, every single one of them had a futuristic headband.

"I dont know, maybe Zeus hired a fashion designer," Lucy said. Artemis chuckled.

"Well, lets attack," Percy said.

All the hunters split, Percy and Estelle went to the right with a few other hunters, while Artemis and Lucy took the left with the rest of the hunters. The two teams got into position. Percy looked over to Artemis, looking for a queue. She nodded. Both teams attacked.

Percy's hands lit on fire, and he sent a fireball. Usually, this would have killed a full hoard of monsters, but none of them had a scratch. They all dodged it.

Artemis shot her bow at one of the monsters, who instantly caught it.

The hunters were shocked by there, but they continued shooting.

Arrows rained down on the monsters, but they kept on catching or dodging the arrows.

"What can we do?" Estelle asked.

"If we can't win from a distance." Percy said, "We'll just have to fight face to face."

Percy jumped off the tree where they were, he got out his pen and uncapped it. He ran into the group of monsters. By this time he couldn't see Zeus, he must have escaped. He swiped at one of the monsters. The monster stepped aside as the blade swept past the monster. The monster kicked Percy's hand, there was a snap, and the sword fell across the ground. 

The other hunters jumped off the trees and got out their daggers and attacked, but it seemed that the monsters knew what they were going to do before they knew it themselves. Another monster attacked Percy. The monster tried to stab Percy, but he dodged it and wrapped the monster in a headlock. It seemed the more the monster struggled, the quicker its life flew away. Every hunter had a magical weapon, and it seemed that the monsters could only tell what to do when they were attacked by a magical move or weapon. 

"EVERYONE, DROP YOUR WEAPONS!!" Percy screamed, the hunters looked at him like he was crazy. 

"WE HAVE TO ATTACK FACE-TO-FACE!!" Percy screamed. The hunters still looked at him like he was crazy. 

One of the hunters dropped their dagger and started fighting the monsters, she won the fight. All the other hunters dropped their weapons and attacked. The monsters were confused at first, it seemed like they couldn't find out what they were going to do next, which was good for the hunters. 

Percy could only use his legs, and elbow monsters with his not broken hand. A hellhound attacked him, Percy kicked the hound on the nose and the hound was sent back. The hellhound got back up and attacked Percy, this time Percy jabbed his leg into the hound's leg, causing the leg to break, and the hound to die. 

The fight grew longer and longer, all the hunters were getting tired. 

"How long can we even fight for?" Artemis said as she stood next to him. 

"Well, we're about to find out," Percy replied. 

A Centaur attacked Percy, Percy dodged the creatures punch and elbowed the headband. The centaur stepped back, clutching the headband. The headband seemed to light up, and it got lighter and lighter. The monsters and hunters blocked their eyes. 

There was an impact, and the hunters and monsters were sent back. A portal appeared where the Centaur was once standing. A figure stepped out of the portal, the figure had nothing other than his bare hands. The figure ran past the monsters, he swiped them off their feet and quickly finished them before they landed. The monsters turned and ran. Out of the portal appeared more people, each wearing the same type of leather jacket and each with no weapons. They ran after each monster, instantly killing the monsters. This continued on until all the monsters were finished. 

The first one to exit the portal looked at Percy.

"Hi, my name is Perseus Jackson." 

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